A Treasure from God

A Treasure from God

Here’s a little mental exercise for you. There are names of 16 books of the Bible hidden in the paragraph below.  See how many you can find.  Some start in one word and continue in the next word. You may need to use a Bible index to help!

I once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible. It was a lulu, kept people looking so hard for facts, and for others it was revelation. Some were in a jam, especially since the names of the books were not capitalized. But the truth finally struck home to numbers of our readers.  To others it was a real job. We want it to be a most fascinating few moments for you.  Yes, there will be some really easy ones to spot. Others may require judges to help find them. I will quickly admit it usually takes a sharp eye to find one of them, and there will be loud lamentations when it is found. A little lady says she brews a cup of tea so she can concentrate better.  See how well you can compete. Relax now, for there really are sixteen names of books of the Bible in this paragraph!

If you’re stuck, the answer key is at the end.
Paul gives us this wonderful description of God’s Word, the Bible, in a letter to his student Timothy:

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”  
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Paul says that “all Scripture is God-breathed,” or inspired.  This is different than hearing an “inspired” speech or having a great idea that someone might say is inspired. While those are positive things, Paul is setting scripture apart as God’s special message that He wanted to give us, so he had ordinary people write down His extraordinary message for us.

This passage also tells us that scripture equips us for every good work. How? It teaches us what God wants us to do and not do. It empowers us (there is power in God’s Word!). It motivates us! It tells us to help people, be kind, honest, and share God’s truths with others. Most importantly, it tells us what God has already done for us through His son, Jesus Christ!

As you make plans to regularly read and study God’s Word, here are some suggestions you may find helpful.
  • Identify enjoyable and encouraging time and place.
  • Before reading the Bible: pray. John 14:26
  • Study the Bible a little at a time. Realistic and regular amounts of study can be more beneficial that high, unattainable, and therefore discouraging goals. 2 Corinthians 12:9
  • Have a heart that is open and listening to God speak. Proverbs 2:4-5
  • There are several great online Bibles that enable you to read, search, and more readily access God’s Word. One is http://www.biblegateway.com/
  • Study Guides: There are so many great resources to use in your study of God’s Word. It is better to ask a believer you trust for suggestions rather than just searching online. They can help point you in the right direction.
  • Get started!
Answer Key:
I once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible. It was a lulu, kept people looking so hard for facts, and for others it was revelation. Some were in a jam, especially since the names of the books were not capitalized. But the truth finally struck home to numbers of our readers.  To others it was a real job. We want it to be a most fascinating few moments for you.  Yes, there will be some really easy ones to spot. Others may require judges to help find them. I will quickly admit it usually takes a sharp eye to find one of them, and there will be loud lamentations when it is found. A little lady says she brews a cup of tea so she can concentrate better.  See how well you can compete. Relax now, for there really are sixteen names of books of the Bible in this paragraph.

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Abba Father Abrahams child Accepting salvation Armor of God Bbile Bible study Bible Blessings from God Blesssings Body of Christ Bread of life Child of God Chistianity Christ like Christ-follower Christianity Church Come and see Confustion Connecting to God Daniel Dark Place Dark Direction Discipleship Don't listen to the lies Don\'t listen to the lies Dont be afaid Easter Empathy Empowered to live Fatherhood Fire Forgivness Friendship Furnance Gift of time Gift Give thanks God answers prayers God by our side God cares for us God controls the universe God created me God created the world God created us God fights injustice God fights out battle God given gifts God gives us direction God gives us wisdom God guides me God guides God has our backs God has plans and a purpose for us God has prepared a place for us God has you God is a perfect father God is always beside me God is always right God is first God is good all the time God is good God is in control God is not like me God is our provider God is perfect God is pleased God is speaking God is with me God is with us God is with you God is working things out for my good. God knows me God looking into our hearts God love God moves God provides God rescues us God saves God speaks God takes care of us God trains us God transforming us God walks beside me God whispers God wins God works it out for good for those who love him God works through me God-sized hole God's Story God's Word God's blessings God's blessing God's faithfulness God's light God's love story God's love God's power God's providing God's treasure God's truth God\'s Word God\'s blessing God\'s faithfulness God\'s love story God\'s love God\'s power God\'s truth God\\\'s love Gods blessings Gods blessing Gods care Gods child Gods compassion Gods direction Gods guidance Gods love Gods perspective Gods plan Gods promises Gods provision Gods reality Gods truth Gods way Gods word God Gone Fishing Good life Grace Growing Growth Guests Handwriting on the wall Happiness Harmony Help Hezekiah Holy Spirit How to Humility I am never alone. I have a dream I need a Savior Impact In this together Jesus gave his life Jesus has saved us Jesus is Lord Jesus is born Jesus is the answer Jesus is the light of the world Jesus reflection Jesus saves Jesus Job John 15:0-10 John the Baptist Joseph trusted God Joseph Joy Kindness Know me Known Last days Leadership Lemon Let your light shine Life is short Life preserver Light of the World Lonliness Love God Love your neighbor Loved Love Loving others MLK Messiah is here Never will I leave you New Learnings New Testament New Not Afraid Not alone Our Maker Parenting Path forward Patience Pauls prayer Plans Prioritizing Queen of Sheba and King Solomon Radiate Redeemer Reflection Respect Ressurection Risen Romans Salvation Satan is roaming the earth Savior Selflessness Sent Seperation Servant leadership Sheltered Significance Solomon Spiritual Care Spread the word Storms Sweet and Sour Talking with God Test God Thank you Thankful living Thanksgiving Thanks Time Troubles Truth Unique Unity Weekly Text Winter Work of the Holy Spirit Year of Jubilee Youth Zacchaeus a full life a piece of the puzzle is missing a relationship with God a work in progress abundance acceptance achievers advent adversity alien all in alone anger answers anticipation anxiety anxious asking God atonment bad things happening to good people battle is won battles being a part of a church family being a real friend being reconciled to God being transformed being whole believing in God believing belongings belong best-selling book of all time blessed blessings blessing blind to the truth building blocks building burdens burning desire to know God busyness by his wounds we are healed calling care caring for the oppressed caring for the poor child of the faith choices choosing God choosing faithfulness choosing obedience chosen cleaning close to God comfort committed to God committed community company compass completeness concern connections consequences consistent content courageous created by God created in me a new heart culture cutting through the confusion darkness dating debt decide to make Jesus my Savior decisions dedicated to God dentist chair despair desparation devotion difficult situations direction from God directions for our lives dirty windows disappointment distracted distractions doing what God wants dominoes don't give up don't worry don\'t give up don\'t worry dont listen to lies dry bones emotions emptiness empty tomb encouragement end times engagement eternal life ethiopian eunuch evil exiled eyesight facing our giants failure faithful God faithfulness faithful faith false gods family fear feeding what I want to grow feelings fellowship fight the good fight fighting our giants fill the emptiness in my soul filled by God's spirit filled by God\'s spirit filling the emptiness filling the empty spot finances finding healing finding my way finding peace finding satisfaction focused on God following Christ for God so loved the world forever home forgiveness forgivenss forgiven forgive fortress freedom friend fruit frustration future generosity generous giver getting lost gifts giving our heart to God giving stuff away giving to God going to heaven good news of the gospel good news good shepherd goodness got your back gratitude grief growing closer to God growing in christ growing our faith growing roots guidance guilt hard times harvest having faith he took our punishment hearing God hearts heart heaven hiding honor hopeless hope hospitality how can I find satisfaction hunger hungry identity in control in exile issues jealousy join God in what he is doing. journey judgment keep praying knock and the door will be opened knowing God knowing the truth known by God lack of hope lack of purpose lamp unto my feet lent lies life goals life light for my path light of life lightening storms light like God lining up with God listening to God listening to the Holy Spirit listening listen lonely look at the birds looking for purpose looking for real hope losing a child loss lost in the fog lost sheep lost loud voices spouting lies. love God love people love of God love of Jesus loving God loving each other making decisions making the right choice map marriage maturing in our faith meaning of life meaningless mediocre meditation memorizing scripture memory mentors mission molded by God money more and more more valuable to God moving forward mysteries narrow road navigating tough times need direction never alone never understand new life new thing no fear no good witches no hiding from God no wasted time not being destroyed by our problems not crushed not from human origin nothing is impossible for God obedience obedient obeying God open our heart our Savior is born our choice our dash our focus our forever home our heart our last day is already decided our lives are blown apart our soul overwhelmed packing pain passion for God paying conseuquences paying it forward peace perseverance persistent widow personal relationship with God personality popular opinion powerful God praise God praise prayer praying for our country priorities problems on all sides process prodigal promises promise prospering protection provider psalm 139 psalm 23 purpose putting God first questions for God questions quite time rain storms rainstorm reading the Bible real faith real hope real life real peace real presence rebellion redeemption redeption refresh relationship with God relationships relationship remembering Gods promises renew repentance rescue rest right priorities road to emmausau sadness sad safe salcation salt satan satisfaction searching for direction searching for truth second chances seek and find self care self worth self-centeredness selling my soul separation from God servant heart servant service share it share the story sharing our faith sharing shine side tracked sins forgiven sin sluggish social media sold out to God solid rock spirit of God spiritual eyes spiritual family spiritual race spiritual weather spring is coming spritual journey sproprospering standing in the gap stars in the sky start a ripple stepping out in faith stop rationalizing storyteller strengthen my hand strength stress struggles struggle struggling with God stuck studying Gods word submit suffering suicide suitcase sunrise supernatural power of God support taking action on growing faith taking care of each other teamwork the Bible the God spot the Holy Spirit the Way the army of God the children of God the condition of our hearts the light the right thing the right way the tough stuff the truth of God the truth the way I should go the word of God thirst thought provoking thoughts thruth thunderstorms tithing todo lists together tough times tragedy transformation traveling trials trouble true north trust God trust in God trusting God trusting trust truth of God tunnel vision two by two uncertainity understanding God understanding the Bible unexpected guests value vision wait wandering away from God wandering from God wanted wash clean wasting time watering the crops water we are the work of his hands what does God want me to do what if he hadn't come what is right and good in the sight of the Lord when tragedy strikes white as snow why do bad things happen to good people willing spirit wisdom wise wish list witness wornout worries and concerns worrry worrying worry worshipping God worship worth it yes from God you and your household you are what you eat