Who is wise and discerning? They will understand that God's path is the right path and they will walk in it.
The book of Hosea ends with this truth - But those who rebel stumble. Hosea 14:9.
The book of Hosea ends with this truth - But those who rebel stumble. Hosea 14:9.

How do they stumble? They spend many hours on things with little or no ultimate value. They spend a lot of money on possessions that provide little or no long-term satisfaction. They put 'stuff' ahead of people and leave a trail of broken relationships. They spend much energy looking for something that will complete them and give them a purpose when the Provider of these does not live on this earth.
Those who refuse to acknowledge God as Creator and Savior will stumble. And they will continue to stumble until they submit to God and get on his path.
Those who refuse to acknowledge God as Creator and Savior will stumble. And they will continue to stumble until they submit to God and get on his path.

Meanwhile, God opens the eyes of the wise so they can walk with him. There are still small stumbles but they know how to get back on the right path.
How do we walk right with God? By loving God with our whole heart, mind and soul and loving others. Simple....yet profound. When we do this, we are transformed, we make a difference.
How do we walk right with God? By loving God with our whole heart, mind and soul and loving others. Simple....yet profound. When we do this, we are transformed, we make a difference.

When we walk with God, he completes us and gives us a purpose.
He also gives us joy.
He also gives us joy.
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