So Many Mysteries
I read the entire Bible every year but I will never understand it all. You will never understand it all.
How do we live our lives with these mysteries?
How do we live our lives with these mysteries?

For me, one of the keys to having peace and contentment is realizing that there are aspects of God's complex creation and plan that I will never understand. There are "things too wonderful for me to know" Job 42: 3.
You figured it out thousands of years ago, Job!
You figured it out thousands of years ago, Job!

Remembering and focusing on the truth God gives us in his Word that is very clear and have been etched into my soul by the Holy Spirit helps me be okay about the mysteries that are beyond the ability of my 3 pound brain to comprehend.
Here are some of the bedrock truths that I review in my mind when I start to worry or doubt or question -
God is good, all the time. My circumstances don't change any of these facts.
God is all-powerful - nothing is impossible for him.
God is a perfect Father who loves me with a perfect love. He is always walking beside me.
Here are some of the bedrock truths that I review in my mind when I start to worry or doubt or question -
God is good, all the time. My circumstances don't change any of these facts.
God is all-powerful - nothing is impossible for him.
God is a perfect Father who loves me with a perfect love. He is always walking beside me.

God is working all things out for my good. He wants the best for me.
God's timing is perfect.
Being confident of these truths, I know the best response to whatever happens to me is to trust God. I can ask 'Why?' and God is patient with me, but there is wisdom in making trust my first response, not questions.
I have discovered that my life stays more closely aligned with God when I automatically and genuinely trust him with everything - because there is so much that I will never understand.
I trust you, Abba Father.
God's timing is perfect.
Being confident of these truths, I know the best response to whatever happens to me is to trust God. I can ask 'Why?' and God is patient with me, but there is wisdom in making trust my first response, not questions.
I have discovered that my life stays more closely aligned with God when I automatically and genuinely trust him with everything - because there is so much that I will never understand.
I trust you, Abba Father.
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