More Trials
Our education system is experiencing some huge problems and our children are right in the middle of it. Our culture is plagued by addictions to anything and everything. Our economy is weak and floundering. Hatred and violence are once again raising their evil heads in our country. The suicide rate with our young people is significantly growing.

And I haven't even started listing my personal issues yet.
I need to know - how can I not be crushed and destroyed by the trials and tragedies in my life?
I need to know - how can I not be crushed and destroyed by the trials and tragedies in my life?

Paul talks to us about how to respond when we have multiple trials and concerns in our lives -
"We are pressed on every side by troubles but we are not crushed. We are perplexed but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down but we are not destroyed." 2 Cor. 4: 8 & 9.
God is telling me - and you - today that I can persevere because the Spirit of God lives in me, giving me strength, peace and hope. The Spirit reminds me that this earth is not my home - my forever home is with my loving Father.
This is how the Spirit translates Paul's words in my head as I read them -
I may have troubles coming at me from all directions but, when I stay close to God, he will not let me be crushed by them. I don't always understand why struggles and issues come my way but I know God is in control and he is a Good Father. I can stand firm on these truths. Even when Satan hunts me down, God never leaves my side. I've been knocked down by the horrible tragedy of my son being murdered but God has given me the strength to get back up. He will always fight for me.
"We are pressed on every side by troubles but we are not crushed. We are perplexed but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down but we are not destroyed." 2 Cor. 4: 8 & 9.
God is telling me - and you - today that I can persevere because the Spirit of God lives in me, giving me strength, peace and hope. The Spirit reminds me that this earth is not my home - my forever home is with my loving Father.
This is how the Spirit translates Paul's words in my head as I read them -
I may have troubles coming at me from all directions but, when I stay close to God, he will not let me be crushed by them. I don't always understand why struggles and issues come my way but I know God is in control and he is a Good Father. I can stand firm on these truths. Even when Satan hunts me down, God never leaves my side. I've been knocked down by the horrible tragedy of my son being murdered but God has given me the strength to get back up. He will always fight for me.

I say this knowing there are more storms are coming my way. There are more storms coming your way. Our struggle is not over. Our problems are not all in the past. It's not a question of 'if' there are more trials coming, the question is 'when'.
Thank you, Father, for teaching us how to respond.
Thank you, Father, for teaching us how to respond.
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