Live It and Share It

As Easter season approaches, we reflect on the life, death and ressurection of Christ; a baby born in a manger, the Savior of the word! It is an exciting time of celebration as we review and rejoice in what God has done for us!
This excitement and appreciation doesn’t end there. Consider some of the treasures recorded in Psalm 145. These are highlights but you are encouraged to read, and savor, the whole chapter.
One reoccurring theme is our duty and delight to worship, lift high, and exalt who God is. The reasons for doing this include:
The ways this Psalm encourages us to do this include: speaking, praising, joyfully singing, telling others, giving thanks, and meditating on His word.
This excitement and appreciation doesn’t end there. Consider some of the treasures recorded in Psalm 145. These are highlights but you are encouraged to read, and savor, the whole chapter.
One reoccurring theme is our duty and delight to worship, lift high, and exalt who God is. The reasons for doing this include:
- His all-encompassing greatness
- The wonderful works He has done and is still doing
- His power
- His righteousness
- His compassion
- His faithfulness
- The way He provides for our daily needs
The ways this Psalm encourages us to do this include: speaking, praising, joyfully singing, telling others, giving thanks, and meditating on His word.

Verse 4 gives us an interesting and challenging assignment. We are to tell other generations about God’s greatness and what He has done for them! This might be a conversation with the generation before you, perhaps a parent or even grandparent.

But it also includes the generations that follow you: your children, nephews, nieces, children with whom you interact as you are involved with summer Bible school or other events. And many Jesus followers attribute the initial seeds of faith they received as having come from grandparents.

People can have a powerful influence over each other. Many people experience very little positive interaction with others of any age. We can be the positive exception. Relationships are primary in the church, with our Lord, with other Christians, and the people of our community. A reality, and opportunity, is this: Many people and many church congregations have great, untapped potential for relationship building.

4832 Ponderings:
Read Psalm 145 aloud with excitement! Then create an action plan!
- Think of the meaningful conversations you’ve had this past week. How many have been with children, youth, adults, or older adults?
- Where do you encounter people of age groups different than yours? Might you expand encounters in order to help, share, and enjoy positive relationships with other generations?
Read Psalm 145 aloud with excitement! Then create an action plan!

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