When its Big....
and bad...
and scary,
even people who don't love God will turn to him, pray to him, cry to him. This is because our souls know who he is even if our minds won't acknowledge it. He created us and the heart he molded inside of us cries out to its maker when we're in significant trouble.
and scary,
even people who don't love God will turn to him, pray to him, cry to him. This is because our souls know who he is even if our minds won't acknowledge it. He created us and the heart he molded inside of us cries out to its maker when we're in significant trouble.

In Judges 10, the Israelites are on one of their downward spirals of sin. They have stopped serving God and have started serving Baal.....again. So God let the pagan kingdoms who also served Baal crush them and oppress them.
It was bad.
So the Israelites cried out to God and he replied, "Go and cry out to the gods you have chosen. Let them save you when you are in trouble." Judges 10:14.
Sometimes, as a Good Father who wants to teach us life lessons, God says this same thing to us today. If we have placed things other than God as our top priority, they are our gods. Why don't we go to them to save us?
If we put money ahead of God in importance in our lives, there will be situations where God lets us learn the hard way that money is not our security. It disappears, it turns into a nightmare when we use credit, and the stuff we buy with it only makes us happy for a little while. Have you and I learned this yet?
It was bad.
So the Israelites cried out to God and he replied, "Go and cry out to the gods you have chosen. Let them save you when you are in trouble." Judges 10:14.
Sometimes, as a Good Father who wants to teach us life lessons, God says this same thing to us today. If we have placed things other than God as our top priority, they are our gods. Why don't we go to them to save us?
If we put money ahead of God in importance in our lives, there will be situations where God lets us learn the hard way that money is not our security. It disappears, it turns into a nightmare when we use credit, and the stuff we buy with it only makes us happy for a little while. Have you and I learned this yet?

Relationships - people are flawed. Unconditional love only comes from God. My spouse, my children, my relationships cannot be my first priority. God didn't create our lives to work that way. When we put him first, he helps us with everything else and its much better than we could do on our own. Have you and I learned this yet?

Careers - money, recognition, power, prestige often distract us from God. Sadly, tragically, we can find that we were struggling so hard for all these years to climb up what looks like the ladder to success only to find that the ladder we are so desperately climbing is up against the wrong wall. At the end, there's a huge, disappointing fall. Have you and I learned this yet?

Anything we put before the One True God in our lives becomes a false god as we serve it and love it and focus on it. These false gods will be no help when the bottom falls out of our lives. When tragedy blows our lives apart. Then our hearts will cry out to our Creator God just like the Israelite's hearts did.
The Israelites had been taught well and they knew exactly what to do to get back in line with God. They repented and got rid of their false gods. And God responded by helping to deliver them from their enemies. They still had to fight and struggle (consequences for their bad decisions) but God gave them victory.
God has told us he is a jealous God and he will not tolerate his people serving other gods. When its big and bad - and there are always times in our lives when its big and bad - none of these false gods are going to be of any use to us.
Have you and I learned this yet?
The Israelites had been taught well and they knew exactly what to do to get back in line with God. They repented and got rid of their false gods. And God responded by helping to deliver them from their enemies. They still had to fight and struggle (consequences for their bad decisions) but God gave them victory.
God has told us he is a jealous God and he will not tolerate his people serving other gods. When its big and bad - and there are always times in our lives when its big and bad - none of these false gods are going to be of any use to us.
Have you and I learned this yet?
Posted in God, faith, Truth, Bible, desparation, false gods, when tragedy strikes, our lives are blown apart, our soul, our heart, Our Maker
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