You Are Valuable

What do you possess that contains value? You could have a very long list! Such as: car, home, jewelry, a big tv (that is just not quite big enough). Expanding the circle of valuables: family, friends, good health, safety, faith community, and so much more!
Jesus tells a story (a parable) about three people losing and then finding something valuable in Luke 15.
The first is a shepherd who loses one of a hundred sheep. He immediately leaves the 99 to search for, and find, the lost one (4-7).
Jesus tells a story (a parable) about three people losing and then finding something valuable in Luke 15.
The first is a shepherd who loses one of a hundred sheep. He immediately leaves the 99 to search for, and find, the lost one (4-7).

The second is a woman who lost a valuable coin in her house. She searched and searched and eventually found it! She invited her friends to celebrate with her (8-10).

And finally, a man loses his son who chooses to leave the family and set out to find himself. When the son spends all his money foolishly and is hungry and broke, he decides to return home. Before he arrives, his father is waiting and watching for him. When he sees his son he runs to greet him, hugs and kisses him and freely welcomes him home (11-24)!

Jesus told these “happy ending stories” to a group of people who were muttering and complaining about the kind of people Jesus chose to hang out with (1-3). Jesus tended to hang out with the poor and outcast, and some of them were criminals and cheats. The muttering people consider themselves far superior and would not associate with others.
Can you find yourself in this story? Shepherd? Sheep? Woman? Coin? Father? Son? Mutterer? Outcast? To some degree we may identify with each of these. One point that Jesus makes is: they ALL are valuable! Wherever we find ourselves, even if we have really messed up, we are valuable to Jesus. And as we apply the parable, Jesus does not reject us because of who we are, rather, he searches for us because he loves us and desires to have a relationship with us. And as in the story, when we are found, angels rejoice and people who love us celebrate with us!
As we think about the people in our lives how can we express love, care and value toward them? How can we be an encourager rather than a discourager? How can we be like the shepherd, woman and father seeking out ways to reflect God’s love for people?
Can you find yourself in this story? Shepherd? Sheep? Woman? Coin? Father? Son? Mutterer? Outcast? To some degree we may identify with each of these. One point that Jesus makes is: they ALL are valuable! Wherever we find ourselves, even if we have really messed up, we are valuable to Jesus. And as we apply the parable, Jesus does not reject us because of who we are, rather, he searches for us because he loves us and desires to have a relationship with us. And as in the story, when we are found, angels rejoice and people who love us celebrate with us!
As we think about the people in our lives how can we express love, care and value toward them? How can we be an encourager rather than a discourager? How can we be like the shepherd, woman and father seeking out ways to reflect God’s love for people?

4832 Ponders:
How specific things can you do be intentional and proactive in living like the people in the parable?
How specific things can you do be intentional and proactive in living like the people in the parable?
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