No Such Thing
There are no 'good witches'. This is one of the lies that permeates our culture. We all see these fictitious characters in movies and TV shows doing good things for people or cleaning their house with a twitch of their nose.
No one can be a 'good witch' because there are two major supernatural forces in our world - good versus evil, God versus Satan. God is very clear in his Word that witches do not get any power from him. God does not speak through Ouija boards or seances - he speaks through his Word and through the Holy Spirit. So that leaves just one place where witches and all things related to the occult get their supernatural power - Satan. And Satan is never good.
No one can be a 'good witch' because there are two major supernatural forces in our world - good versus evil, God versus Satan. God is very clear in his Word that witches do not get any power from him. God does not speak through Ouija boards or seances - he speaks through his Word and through the Holy Spirit. So that leaves just one place where witches and all things related to the occult get their supernatural power - Satan. And Satan is never good.

Satan is the great Deceiver and the Father of Lies. He can make something bad look like it's okay. He can twist the truth just slightly to make it a very convincing lie. He can use something that looks good to bring about a bad result. Make no mistake - evil intentions lie under everything Satan does.

The story in the Bible of King Saul going to the Witch of Endor is a sad story with a interesting twist. The enormous Philistine army was approaching and Saul was terrified. He 'inquired of the LORD, but the LORD did not answer by dreams, or Urim or prophets." 1 Samuel 28:6. Saul was regularly disobeying God at this time, so God stopped answering him. Why give Saul an answer if he's not going to obey? Sometimes God will stop answering us, too, if we continue to ask but are not being obedient to what he has already told us.
In the past, Samuel had helped Saul listen and obey God, but Samuel had died. Saul wanted to talk with Samuel so he went to the Witch of Endor. The witch did her normal 'consulting the spirits' act but then screamed when she saw Samuel appear. Why did she scream? She obviously did not expect someone to actually come back from the dead - she was used to making it all up.
In the past, Samuel had helped Saul listen and obey God, but Samuel had died. Saul wanted to talk with Samuel so he went to the Witch of Endor. The witch did her normal 'consulting the spirits' act but then screamed when she saw Samuel appear. Why did she scream? She obviously did not expect someone to actually come back from the dead - she was used to making it all up.

And Samuel wasn't happy about being disturbed. That makes sense. He was enjoying heaven and suddenly he's back on earth having to deal with Saul's fear and lack of trust in God.
Samuel told Saul because he continued to be disobedient, God was going to do what he said - take away Saul's kingdom.
And the next day Saul and his three sons were dead.
In this instance, God worked through a witch in order to achieve his purposes. But she was not a 'good witch'.
Don't be deceived.
Samuel told Saul because he continued to be disobedient, God was going to do what he said - take away Saul's kingdom.
And the next day Saul and his three sons were dead.
In this instance, God worked through a witch in order to achieve his purposes. But she was not a 'good witch'.
Don't be deceived.
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