The Harvest

I have the blessing and opportunity to drive through the countryside at least once a week for my employment. I enjoy getting out of the city and seeing the great open spaces. This year I have watched fields of wheat show a tinge of green in the early spring, serious growing time through spring, and the hint of yellow in early summer as the wheat begins to mature. In the past week, the slight yellow has turned into brilliant gold. That means one thing: it’s harvest time!
Some farmers own their own harvest equipment, and many others utilize the services of professional, custom harvesters. The latter have lots of equipment and employees who travel from south to north following the maturing of the wheat. They can harvest the wheat from a large field (or several fields) in one day.
Some farmers own their own harvest equipment, and many others utilize the services of professional, custom harvesters. The latter have lots of equipment and employees who travel from south to north following the maturing of the wheat. They can harvest the wheat from a large field (or several fields) in one day.

A recent local news program interviewed a farmer who was anxiously waiting for the right time to harvest. The farmer pointed to the field and said, “that’s my paycheck for the year.” Imagine waiting and working for an entire year for your yearlong paycheck! What if something happened? What if I put it off for a day or two and missed the opportunity?

Are there things in life like that for you? You have goals but either are not sure how to achieve them, or possibly put off working toward them? Or you pursue them only to have circumstances change that prevent your goal from becoming reality. Most of us experience disappointments along the way. This can be discouraging and hurtful.
When feeling that way, it’s important to focus on what is going right in your life instead of feeling defeated by the challenges you face. Here are some questions that be helpful to ask yourself:
When feeling that way, it’s important to focus on what is going right in your life instead of feeling defeated by the challenges you face. Here are some questions that be helpful to ask yourself:
- What happened that prevented me from achieving that goal?
- What control, if any, did I have over the situation?
- To what degree does this situation impact me as I move forward?
- What can I learn from this situation, regardless of the circumstances?
- What are the important things in my life?

Here are some things we can learn from farmers:
Most of us are not farmers, but we can apply these truths to many other situations in our lives, like our education, our employment, our family, our housing, car, leisure, hobbies, and so much more. The most important application is how it impacts our relationship with Jesus. We know he desires for us to have an eternal relationship with him. Do we want that also? He offers it freely. Do we accept his gift of grace and embrace it? Having done that, do we let God’s love and the power of his Holy Spirit impact our lives every day, every hour? If we’re honest, the answer is probably “no”. God understands human nature and is patient with us. He does not abandon us. We admit to him our failure, ask for forgiveness, and he gives it generously.
One parting thought about the harvest. It’s not just for you and I. God desires everyone to be in relationship with him, and he has made the way for that to happen through Christ. As we have opportunity, we need to share the joy we experience as Christ followers and invite others along.
“May the peoples praise you, God;
may all the peoples praise you.
The land yields its harvest;
God, our God, blesses us.” Psalm 67:5-6
4832 ponderings:
- I can plant and care for the crop, but there are circumstances beyond my control that impact the outcome.
- There is a right time to harvest the crop and I might as well wait patiently for that time.
- When the right time comes, I must seize the moment and act. A farmer does not take vacation during harvest time.
Most of us are not farmers, but we can apply these truths to many other situations in our lives, like our education, our employment, our family, our housing, car, leisure, hobbies, and so much more. The most important application is how it impacts our relationship with Jesus. We know he desires for us to have an eternal relationship with him. Do we want that also? He offers it freely. Do we accept his gift of grace and embrace it? Having done that, do we let God’s love and the power of his Holy Spirit impact our lives every day, every hour? If we’re honest, the answer is probably “no”. God understands human nature and is patient with us. He does not abandon us. We admit to him our failure, ask for forgiveness, and he gives it generously.
One parting thought about the harvest. It’s not just for you and I. God desires everyone to be in relationship with him, and he has made the way for that to happen through Christ. As we have opportunity, we need to share the joy we experience as Christ followers and invite others along.
“May the peoples praise you, God;
may all the peoples praise you.
The land yields its harvest;
God, our God, blesses us.” Psalm 67:5-6
4832 ponderings:
- Are there things in my life I can do to deepen my relationship with God? What is preventing me form pursuing those?
- Who are the people in my life that may be thirsting for a meaningful relationship with God. In a non-threatening, caring way, how can I begin conversations with them about this important topic?

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