Praise Is a Choice
“Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” I Peter 1:10-11(NIV)

“You turned my wailing into dancing;
you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,
that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent.
Lord my God, I will praise you forever.” Psalm 30:1-2 (The Message)
This morning as the sun peaked over the treetops, I was reminded again to praise God. Often, I forget my calling as a precious child of the King of Kings. Often, I lament something happening in my life that is out of my control. It does not have to be anything “BIG.” It may be tripping over the computer cord (again) or having to take the dog out an extra time. It may be crankiness about extra projects at work, an additional “ask” from a neighbor or friend at an inconvenient time, or fickle as I am, it can be “no calls” from those that I care about! My thoughts quickly forget my “confirmed calling” as God’s precious child during everyday life. The verse from Psalms as interpreted by Eugene Peterson is a great reminder to raise my hands and dance in praise to God…forever. Looking up seems to raise my Spirit to continue to focus on the importance of faithful prayer! That in and of itself changes my thoughts from despair to hope, refocuses my mind to be seeking “whatever is true, whatever is right…if there is anything worthy of praise…think on these things (Phil 4:4-8)."
Today I will praise the Lord with my hands above my head for health, for life, for family, for friends and for work to be done this day. I will praise the Lord for all that He is doing that I cannot see and do not know about. I will claim His promise that “His ways are above my ways, and His thoughts are above my thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9)!” In all of this I am going to sing:
Blessed Assurance…Jesus is Mine
Oh what a foretaste of glory divine;
Heir of salvation, purchase of God:
Born of the Spirit, washed in His blood.
4832 Ponder:
What are you thanking God for this day? Whom can you pray for today asking God to intercede in their life, turning wailing into joy?
Help me Lord to see you today in all of life, the neighbors face, the relentless overload of information, the work that needs to be completed, the stress of knowing and the stress of not knowing. You are Lord, you are my hope, please help me to focus on that fact and continue to see you face to face. AMEN!
you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,
that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent.
Lord my God, I will praise you forever.” Psalm 30:1-2 (The Message)
This morning as the sun peaked over the treetops, I was reminded again to praise God. Often, I forget my calling as a precious child of the King of Kings. Often, I lament something happening in my life that is out of my control. It does not have to be anything “BIG.” It may be tripping over the computer cord (again) or having to take the dog out an extra time. It may be crankiness about extra projects at work, an additional “ask” from a neighbor or friend at an inconvenient time, or fickle as I am, it can be “no calls” from those that I care about! My thoughts quickly forget my “confirmed calling” as God’s precious child during everyday life. The verse from Psalms as interpreted by Eugene Peterson is a great reminder to raise my hands and dance in praise to God…forever. Looking up seems to raise my Spirit to continue to focus on the importance of faithful prayer! That in and of itself changes my thoughts from despair to hope, refocuses my mind to be seeking “whatever is true, whatever is right…if there is anything worthy of praise…think on these things (Phil 4:4-8)."
Today I will praise the Lord with my hands above my head for health, for life, for family, for friends and for work to be done this day. I will praise the Lord for all that He is doing that I cannot see and do not know about. I will claim His promise that “His ways are above my ways, and His thoughts are above my thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9)!” In all of this I am going to sing:
Blessed Assurance…Jesus is Mine
Oh what a foretaste of glory divine;
Heir of salvation, purchase of God:
Born of the Spirit, washed in His blood.
4832 Ponder:
What are you thanking God for this day? Whom can you pray for today asking God to intercede in their life, turning wailing into joy?
Help me Lord to see you today in all of life, the neighbors face, the relentless overload of information, the work that needs to be completed, the stress of knowing and the stress of not knowing. You are Lord, you are my hope, please help me to focus on that fact and continue to see you face to face. AMEN!
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