What's in a Name?
Names seem to have some relevance in life. Some of us like our names, some of us don't. Ever wonder why your parents gave you the name they did? Maybe for some family tree member they wanted to honor or thought fondly of from their life experience. Maybe after some popular entertainer of their time. Maybe a mixture of names to be unique. Notice the one that was going to walk through life with that name had no input .....

Jesus didn't either. He was given a name that would cost him his earthly life ..... Matthew 1:21 "She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
I doubt many of our parents were given such a direct statement about our names (at least not mine from what they told me, it was some entertainer that rode a horse) and I know for sure I am not saving anyone from their sins ... I commit way too many on my own. So what about you, any stories behind your name selection???
In Psalm 48:9 it says "Like your name, O God, your praise reaches to the ends of the earth;"
Some names really stick throughout time and when mentioned bring up clear meanings. Most of ours get forgotten over time or redefined by our actions. For example, when we hear "Tim Tebow" in the Denver area, we usually have pleasant thoughts of the person who honored his faith in God, was a winning quarterback that some said couldn't pass well (maybe Pittsburgh would take exception to that thought, after losing playoff in shortest overtime in playoff history on pass from Tebow) . Back to the subject....
So this brings me to the questions Jesus asked the disciples in Mt 15:13-15. First He asked this, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” They answered, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”
Then things got personal. Jesus asked, “But what about you?” “Who do you say I am?”
(The answer the disciple Peter gave is in verse 17 and you can look that up.)
I doubt many of our parents were given such a direct statement about our names (at least not mine from what they told me, it was some entertainer that rode a horse) and I know for sure I am not saving anyone from their sins ... I commit way too many on my own. So what about you, any stories behind your name selection???
In Psalm 48:9 it says "Like your name, O God, your praise reaches to the ends of the earth;"
Some names really stick throughout time and when mentioned bring up clear meanings. Most of ours get forgotten over time or redefined by our actions. For example, when we hear "Tim Tebow" in the Denver area, we usually have pleasant thoughts of the person who honored his faith in God, was a winning quarterback that some said couldn't pass well (maybe Pittsburgh would take exception to that thought, after losing playoff in shortest overtime in playoff history on pass from Tebow) . Back to the subject....
So this brings me to the questions Jesus asked the disciples in Mt 15:13-15. First He asked this, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” They answered, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”
Then things got personal. Jesus asked, “But what about you?” “Who do you say I am?”
(The answer the disciple Peter gave is in verse 17 and you can look that up.)
But you see this is one of those foundational questions we all have to answer individually. It doesn't matter what your denomination answers or what your parents answer or what your spouse/roommate/significant other answers or anyone else says ......
NOW, how are you answering Jesus' question, “But what about you (fill in your name)?” He is asking. “Who do you say I am?”
NOW, how are you answering Jesus' question, “But what about you (fill in your name)?” He is asking. “Who do you say I am?”

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1 Comment
Thanks for this blog and thanks for the beautiful and powerful song at the end!