Take My Yoke upon you
Take my yoke upon you
and learn from me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls
Mt. 11:29
and learn from me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls
Mt. 11:29

4832 Thought:
Yokes in life take on a lot of different looks, some are lite, some are heavy, some are sad, some are humorous, some are irritating, some are long lasting ..... so whether we want to admit it or not we are under some influence of persuasion every day .... those are "yokes". Someone asked me recently "What is it you would change about your life?" Now that is a very big question .... My answer was "I wish I had become more comfortable with who I was .... earlier in life"
Jesus says "Take my yoke upon you" Mt. 11-29 but in looking back I find there were a lot of different "yokes" I tried to wear. Today our society cannot even agree on the meanings of "Right" or "Wrong", on the definition of "Marriage", on the designation of "Male" or "Female" on Birth Certificates and on and on. These are Big Red Flags but they are only symptoms of the real issue .... in my thinking I am still "tempted daily" to be equal to God. In reality the "yokes" have more to do with my thinking and surrender than it does with others thinking.
Jesus also says "Learn from me", that is really difficult to do .... after all "I am equal" ... that temptation has never really gone away since the Garden of Eden? He also says "I am gentle and humble in heart" ..... well how can I surrender to that when I am really still thinking "my ways are just as good as yours" ... I can define "right from wrong just like God" .... right???
These are not question marks to God, His Ways are True, Consistent, Same Today as Yesterday .... He is the Creator, we are the Creation .... never will that be redefined by God.
Isaiah 40:28 says "Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no on can fathom."
The "yoke" of being just like God takes on all sorts of looks in so many ways.
Yokes in life take on a lot of different looks, some are lite, some are heavy, some are sad, some are humorous, some are irritating, some are long lasting ..... so whether we want to admit it or not we are under some influence of persuasion every day .... those are "yokes". Someone asked me recently "What is it you would change about your life?" Now that is a very big question .... My answer was "I wish I had become more comfortable with who I was .... earlier in life"
Jesus says "Take my yoke upon you" Mt. 11-29 but in looking back I find there were a lot of different "yokes" I tried to wear. Today our society cannot even agree on the meanings of "Right" or "Wrong", on the definition of "Marriage", on the designation of "Male" or "Female" on Birth Certificates and on and on. These are Big Red Flags but they are only symptoms of the real issue .... in my thinking I am still "tempted daily" to be equal to God. In reality the "yokes" have more to do with my thinking and surrender than it does with others thinking.
Jesus also says "Learn from me", that is really difficult to do .... after all "I am equal" ... that temptation has never really gone away since the Garden of Eden? He also says "I am gentle and humble in heart" ..... well how can I surrender to that when I am really still thinking "my ways are just as good as yours" ... I can define "right from wrong just like God" .... right???
These are not question marks to God, His Ways are True, Consistent, Same Today as Yesterday .... He is the Creator, we are the Creation .... never will that be redefined by God.
Isaiah 40:28 says "Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no on can fathom."
The "yoke" of being just like God takes on all sorts of looks in so many ways.
4832 Question: Who is it that you say you are today? What are your "yokes" of influence?
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