I've Got Your Back
By Judy Glasser
When we want to accomplish something big, it takes a team. One person can only do what one person can get done.
I have discovered when a group of people join energy and brainpower to tackle a goal together, their efforts are multiplied and good things happen. Have you experienced this? I've seen big successes roll in when a team of people are engaged, committed to working together and helping each other achieve a goal.
When we want to accomplish something big, it takes a team. One person can only do what one person can get done.
I have discovered when a group of people join energy and brainpower to tackle a goal together, their efforts are multiplied and good things happen. Have you experienced this? I've seen big successes roll in when a team of people are engaged, committed to working together and helping each other achieve a goal.

And when God is involved I have seen a supernatural factor come into play that is truly astounding to witness. Projects turn out much better than planned. Blessings pile up. We see our faith growing as, together, we experience the power of God in our lives.
Has this happened to you? I've experienced this many times and its exciting every time it happens.
So I love reading the historical account of Nehemiah leading the Israelites in rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem. The Jews were being attacked regularly by their enemies who didn't want them to complete the wall. They were very discouraged.
Nehemiah refused to stop building. He knew that he had been sent back to Jerusalem to lead this project so he couldn't stop. He organized the men into teams, "From that day on, half of my men did the work, while the other half were equipped with spears, shields, bow and armor." Nehemiah 4:16. They protected their brothers with everything they had.
Working together,
protecting each other,
they accomplished the goal of rebuilding the wall.
They could not have done it without each other.
Has this happened to you? I've experienced this many times and its exciting every time it happens.
So I love reading the historical account of Nehemiah leading the Israelites in rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem. The Jews were being attacked regularly by their enemies who didn't want them to complete the wall. They were very discouraged.
Nehemiah refused to stop building. He knew that he had been sent back to Jerusalem to lead this project so he couldn't stop. He organized the men into teams, "From that day on, half of my men did the work, while the other half were equipped with spears, shields, bow and armor." Nehemiah 4:16. They protected their brothers with everything they had.
Working together,
protecting each other,
they accomplished the goal of rebuilding the wall.
They could not have done it without each other.

Our Spiritual family is like this. We need each other. Each one of us needs to use our spiritual gifts in order to build each other up and fulfill our purpose of reaching others for Christ. We watch each other's backs - loving and forgiving each other in supernatural ways.
And we love those who don't know Jesus yet...
while our Spiritual family supports us and cheers us on.
We can do this, because God first loved us...
and He has our backs.
And we love those who don't know Jesus yet...
while our Spiritual family supports us and cheers us on.
We can do this, because God first loved us...
and He has our backs.
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