The Complaint Department

What is something that happened recently that really irritated you?
Perhaps with a little more intensity, do you remember a time when you were unjustly attacked by another person? How did it feel? Did you interact with God in the situation (pray, plead, complain, etc.)? There was a time when David felt this way and we read about it in Psalm 69:
Save me, O God,
for the waters have come up to my neck.
I sink in the miry depths,
where there is no foothold.
I have come into the deep waters;
the floods engulf me.
I am worn out calling for help;
my throat is parched.
My eyes fail,
looking for my God.
Those who hate me without reason
outnumber the hairs of my head;
many are my enemies without cause,
those who seek to destroy me.
I am forced to restore
what I did not steal. (1-4)
Sounds like he is feeling pretty overwhelmed, and possibly a little self-focused. Those may be your reactions too when you have felt hurt or picked on by someone. David eventually acknowledges his role in this situation as we continue with the Psalm:
You, God, know my folly;
my guilt is not hidden from you.
Lord, the Lord Almighty,
may those who hope in you
not be disgraced because of me;
God of Israel,
may those who seek you
not be put to shame because of me. (5-6)
Perhaps with a little more intensity, do you remember a time when you were unjustly attacked by another person? How did it feel? Did you interact with God in the situation (pray, plead, complain, etc.)? There was a time when David felt this way and we read about it in Psalm 69:
Save me, O God,
for the waters have come up to my neck.
I sink in the miry depths,
where there is no foothold.
I have come into the deep waters;
the floods engulf me.
I am worn out calling for help;
my throat is parched.
My eyes fail,
looking for my God.
Those who hate me without reason
outnumber the hairs of my head;
many are my enemies without cause,
those who seek to destroy me.
I am forced to restore
what I did not steal. (1-4)
Sounds like he is feeling pretty overwhelmed, and possibly a little self-focused. Those may be your reactions too when you have felt hurt or picked on by someone. David eventually acknowledges his role in this situation as we continue with the Psalm:
You, God, know my folly;
my guilt is not hidden from you.
Lord, the Lord Almighty,
may those who hope in you
not be disgraced because of me;
God of Israel,
may those who seek you
not be put to shame because of me. (5-6)

When we feel hurt or attacked, our first reaction might be to fight back. That’s understandable. Isn’t it interesting that David, known as a might warrior, instead comes to God in prayer! And now he is even concerned that his actions will reflect positively rather than negatively on God’s people.
It’s good to remember that God knows about our situations, our pain and our fears. We don’t have to pretend that we are okay when we are not. He knows. We can count on Him and trust Him to always be with us as our protector and defender. Continuing, David expresses it this way:
I will praise God’s name in song
and glorify him with thanksgiving.
This will please the Lord more than an ox,
more than a bull with its horns and hooves.
The poor will see and be glad—
you who seek God, may your hearts live!
The Lord hears the needy
and does not despise his captive people.
Let heaven and earth praise him,
the seas and all that move in them,
for God will save…! (30-35)
It’s good to remember that God knows about our situations, our pain and our fears. We don’t have to pretend that we are okay when we are not. He knows. We can count on Him and trust Him to always be with us as our protector and defender. Continuing, David expresses it this way:
I will praise God’s name in song
and glorify him with thanksgiving.
This will please the Lord more than an ox,
more than a bull with its horns and hooves.
The poor will see and be glad—
you who seek God, may your hearts live!
The Lord hears the needy
and does not despise his captive people.
Let heaven and earth praise him,
the seas and all that move in them,
for God will save…! (30-35)

4832 Ponderings:
I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” Jeremiah 31:3
Let this comforting song minister to you:
- What’s the best way to respond to God when you feel beaten up by others? Don’t be afraid to express your hurt, disappointment, or discouragement.
- What does God know about you? Say it out loud or write it down.
- What is God’s promise to you?
I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” Jeremiah 31:3
Let this comforting song minister to you:
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