
Do you ever walk around some days feeling sluggish, weighed down, lacking in energy to do even the most basic stuff? It may be because of something you ate (or didn’t eat), lack of sleep, or feeling like too much on your “to do” list. At times like these, it is easy to talk yourself out of being physically active, or productive in the responsibilities you are assigned or for which you have assumed responsibility.

Are there days when you feel similarly sluggish from a spiritual perspective? Sometimes there doesn’t really seem to be anything too exciting about your faith life. There were times growing up when I wasn’t too interested in the opportunities to learn from the Bible or about the faith in which my parents were guiding me. As an adult, I too often find it easy to be critical of others, find fault in the behavior of others, but not really wanting to own my own behaviors.

The Bible gives us a promise and prayer, asking God to change our outlook and way of thinking when we are lacking enthusiasm or zeal! Consider the words of Psalm 51:10-12:
Create in me, a clean heart O God,
And renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from Your presence,
And take not Your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore unto me the joy of Your salvation,
And uphold me with Your free Spirit.
This is pretty upbeat, isn’t it? There are 6 requests or petitions in this passage. Take a moment to find and rephrase each request in your own words for your own life. Perhaps turn it into a conversation with, or prayer to God. Here’s an example utilizing the first phrase: “Dear God, my heart feels heavy when I think about some of the things I’ve done, or things I have failed to do. They weigh me down. Please forgive me, clean me up, and refresh me.”
Since the passage asks, “renew a right spirit,” that implies we can sometimes find ourselves in a stagnant or stationary place. It’s not that we have lost our faith, but we need renewal that only God can give.
Create in me, a clean heart O God,
And renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from Your presence,
And take not Your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore unto me the joy of Your salvation,
And uphold me with Your free Spirit.
This is pretty upbeat, isn’t it? There are 6 requests or petitions in this passage. Take a moment to find and rephrase each request in your own words for your own life. Perhaps turn it into a conversation with, or prayer to God. Here’s an example utilizing the first phrase: “Dear God, my heart feels heavy when I think about some of the things I’ve done, or things I have failed to do. They weigh me down. Please forgive me, clean me up, and refresh me.”
Since the passage asks, “renew a right spirit,” that implies we can sometimes find ourselves in a stagnant or stationary place. It’s not that we have lost our faith, but we need renewal that only God can give.

4832 Ponderings:
I praise You with my soul, Lord God; I praise Your holy name from my inmost being. I will praise You and not forget the benefits of being called a child of God. You have established Your throne in heaven, and from Your kingdom You rule. The angels who do Your bidding praise You, all the heavenly hosts who obey and do Your will praise You! All of Your creation everywhere praises You. My soul praises You. Amen! (adapted from Psalm 103:1,2;19-22)
- Where does the power originate in this passage?
- Where, in your life, do you seek or need renewal and restoration?
- As you finish by praying the prayer below, what additional truths about God and your relationship with him are you declaring?
I praise You with my soul, Lord God; I praise Your holy name from my inmost being. I will praise You and not forget the benefits of being called a child of God. You have established Your throne in heaven, and from Your kingdom You rule. The angels who do Your bidding praise You, all the heavenly hosts who obey and do Your will praise You! All of Your creation everywhere praises You. My soul praises You. Amen! (adapted from Psalm 103:1,2;19-22)
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