Makes Me Wanna Dance

What terms would you use to describe your approach to life?
- playing it safe
- sure and steady wins the race
- just do it!
- sometimes it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission
- like to run with scissors!

In Psalm 32, David expresses a variety of emotions and is pretty transparent in what he is thinking and feeling. First, he’s excited about his relationship with God and wants to shout it!
Sing to the Lord, all you godly ones! Praise his holy name.
Later, David acknowledges life’s struggles but remains optimistic:
Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.
He also acknowledges that sometimes he gets kind of pompous, or full of himself. In security he had grown arrogant and forgetful:
When I was prosperous, I said, “Nothing can stop me now!”
David experienced struggles in life that, at times, seemed overwhelming. Instead of blaming God or run away from God, he ran to God!
Hear me, Lord, and have mercy on me. Help me, O Lord.
David understood the blessed relationship he enjoyed with God, and celebrated it!
You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!
(you can read this entire passage on your own at Psalm 30:4-12)
4832 Ponderings
Dear Lord, You know the events in our lives that cause us to mourn, cry and feel helpless. But You also bless us with the events and truth of Your love for us through Christ that cause us to sing, dance and praise You daily! Bless us all with trust, confidence, perseverance, and above all, hope. May we be alongside those who are mourning and bless them with compassion, presence and comfort. And as joy comes in the morning, may we not be silent but rejoice in thanksgiving for Your great goodness! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sing to the Lord, all you godly ones! Praise his holy name.
Later, David acknowledges life’s struggles but remains optimistic:
Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.
He also acknowledges that sometimes he gets kind of pompous, or full of himself. In security he had grown arrogant and forgetful:
When I was prosperous, I said, “Nothing can stop me now!”
David experienced struggles in life that, at times, seemed overwhelming. Instead of blaming God or run away from God, he ran to God!
Hear me, Lord, and have mercy on me. Help me, O Lord.
David understood the blessed relationship he enjoyed with God, and celebrated it!
You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!
(you can read this entire passage on your own at Psalm 30:4-12)
4832 Ponderings
- What promises can we claim from this passage?
- What are the events of your life that make you want to mourn?
- What are the events of your life that make you want to joyfully dance and praise God?
Dear Lord, You know the events in our lives that cause us to mourn, cry and feel helpless. But You also bless us with the events and truth of Your love for us through Christ that cause us to sing, dance and praise You daily! Bless us all with trust, confidence, perseverance, and above all, hope. May we be alongside those who are mourning and bless them with compassion, presence and comfort. And as joy comes in the morning, may we not be silent but rejoice in thanksgiving for Your great goodness! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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