Life Giving Life

Life Giving Life
Most likely, the most loved and recognized psalm in the Bible is the 23rd psalm. This blog isn’t going to address it, but we would all benefit if we read it once a year, month, week or day! It is a reassuring picture of God’s love and commitment to us. But there are other places in the Bible that mention this, and even use the same illustration of the Shepherd tending His sheep.
Look at these passages from John 10:14-16, each followed by comments
Most likely, the most loved and recognized psalm in the Bible is the 23rd psalm. This blog isn’t going to address it, but we would all benefit if we read it once a year, month, week or day! It is a reassuring picture of God’s love and commitment to us. But there are other places in the Bible that mention this, and even use the same illustration of the Shepherd tending His sheep.
Look at these passages from John 10:14-16, each followed by comments
- “I am the good shepherd.” – A nice picture of who Jesus is!
- The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. – This is serious commitment. Jesus is totally committed to His relationship with us.
- The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. – The hired hand may be a good person and even take his job seriously, but often there comes a breaking point when the hired hand abandons his responsibility to look out for himself. Who among us have not had to make one of these difficult decisions? Without too much trouble, I can think of several situations where I could have helped or stood up for someone and didn’t. I am forgiven for my shortcomings but still live with the regret.
- “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me – Just as the Father knows me and I know the Father – and I lay down my life for the sheep.” – Jesus knows us totally, intimately, and unswervingly. He’s all in and gave His life to prove it. He compares His relationship with us to the one He has to the Father. That is amazing!

As you consider these passages, think about the level of commitment needed for each of the characters: the Shepherd, the sheep, the hired hand, and the wolves!
After you’ve taken time to answer that, let’s reconsider one set of the players in this account: The sheep! What does it say about the sheep? Does it say they are smart (no), that they work hard (no), or they organize to protect the sheep pen overnight (hardly!). What is the only responsibility assigned to the sheep? Answer: That they know the Shepherd! Because they know Him they follow Him! This is also emphasized in John 10:4: “He goes on ahead of them, and His sheep follow Him because they know His voice.” It is all about Him. He leads, we follow. We trust, not because of who we are, but because of who He is.
After you’ve taken time to answer that, let’s reconsider one set of the players in this account: The sheep! What does it say about the sheep? Does it say they are smart (no), that they work hard (no), or they organize to protect the sheep pen overnight (hardly!). What is the only responsibility assigned to the sheep? Answer: That they know the Shepherd! Because they know Him they follow Him! This is also emphasized in John 10:4: “He goes on ahead of them, and His sheep follow Him because they know His voice.” It is all about Him. He leads, we follow. We trust, not because of who we are, but because of who He is.

One final passage from this chapter: “I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd." – There are more people out in the world who do not yet about Jesus, but He has already paid the price for their sins. He desires to have them be a part of His flock. He wants to be their shepherd too.
4831 Pondering:
4831 Pondering:
- In this passage, what great reason do we have to not be afraid of the unknown or something that we can’t control in our lives?
- In what ways do you need Jesus to be a shepherd for you, right now?
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