
We know it is amazing when we become believers in Christ. The Bible uses illustrations like coming out of darkness to light, washed clean, etc. All good and accurate descriptions of what God does for us as He moves in and resides with us through the Holy Spirit! But, then comes tomorrow! And tomorrow seems a lot like today. Similar struggles, disappointments, life challenges.
Let’s look at three examples from the Bible of people who experienced monumental encounters with God and see what the long term looked like.
First let’s look at Mary, the mother of Jesus. What an honor! A young engaged, woman’s life is interrupted or rewritten by the Holy Spirit and announced by a visit from an angel. What an honor to hear of her special, unique, chosen status to be the mother of Jesus! The Bible indicated that, although perhaps not totally understanding, she accepted graciously the mission that God has given her (Luke 1:38-55).
Now consider the ongoing ramifications of Mary’s role as unwed mother of Jesus. You might want to stop reading and list a few that come to mind for you. Here are some possibilities: she no doubt faced ridicule and judgment about her status as mother-to-be. She watched and wondered as the boy Jesus grew up and sometimes startled her by his words and actions. As an adult, Jesus’ message and action no doubt caused difficulty and hardship for his mother. But despite all of this, she treasured this in her heart, and was with him even for his death on the cross.
Our second scenario involves a man born blind for whom Jesus restored his sight. He was elated and thankful, willing to share the good news about Jesus with others. Happy ending to the story, right? Not so fast. The healing of his eyes caused quite a stir, especially within the religious community. They feared the notoriety that events like these were bringing to Jesus. Various people interviewed (interrogated?) the man, demanding to know what really happened. The man simply stated the true facts of Jesus’ miracle, and they threw him out (John 9:1,6, 25-38)!
We know it is amazing when we become believers in Christ. The Bible uses illustrations like coming out of darkness to light, washed clean, etc. All good and accurate descriptions of what God does for us as He moves in and resides with us through the Holy Spirit! But, then comes tomorrow! And tomorrow seems a lot like today. Similar struggles, disappointments, life challenges.
Let’s look at three examples from the Bible of people who experienced monumental encounters with God and see what the long term looked like.
First let’s look at Mary, the mother of Jesus. What an honor! A young engaged, woman’s life is interrupted or rewritten by the Holy Spirit and announced by a visit from an angel. What an honor to hear of her special, unique, chosen status to be the mother of Jesus! The Bible indicated that, although perhaps not totally understanding, she accepted graciously the mission that God has given her (Luke 1:38-55).
Now consider the ongoing ramifications of Mary’s role as unwed mother of Jesus. You might want to stop reading and list a few that come to mind for you. Here are some possibilities: she no doubt faced ridicule and judgment about her status as mother-to-be. She watched and wondered as the boy Jesus grew up and sometimes startled her by his words and actions. As an adult, Jesus’ message and action no doubt caused difficulty and hardship for his mother. But despite all of this, she treasured this in her heart, and was with him even for his death on the cross.
Our second scenario involves a man born blind for whom Jesus restored his sight. He was elated and thankful, willing to share the good news about Jesus with others. Happy ending to the story, right? Not so fast. The healing of his eyes caused quite a stir, especially within the religious community. They feared the notoriety that events like these were bringing to Jesus. Various people interviewed (interrogated?) the man, demanding to know what really happened. The man simply stated the true facts of Jesus’ miracle, and they threw him out (John 9:1,6, 25-38)!

Our final example is actually several of the disciples. Jesus’ encountered two brothers and he simply said, “follow me” and they did! A little while later he saw two more brothers and the same thing happened! These four men were fishermen, but they abandoned their vocations to follow Jesus (Matthew 4:18-23). Do you think their lives became easier or more difficult? While I’m sure it was amazing to spend time with Jesus, the Bible paints a life of conflict, jail time, angry mobs and more! It was challenging to follow Jesus!
You might be thinking “well, this is a cheery little devotional!” Sorry! But look beyond the challenges these people faced. In their relationship with Jesus, they navigated the difficulties of life. They were excited about the gift of eternal life Jesus had given them and were willing to follow him regardless of the circumstances. And in some cases, the difficult circumstances became their positive witness to who Jesus was in their life. That can be true for us today as well.
We can move forward with confidence in the promise of Christ, “never will I leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).” I am with you to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20).” That includes today, tomorrow and every day after that!
You might be thinking “well, this is a cheery little devotional!” Sorry! But look beyond the challenges these people faced. In their relationship with Jesus, they navigated the difficulties of life. They were excited about the gift of eternal life Jesus had given them and were willing to follow him regardless of the circumstances. And in some cases, the difficult circumstances became their positive witness to who Jesus was in their life. That can be true for us today as well.
We can move forward with confidence in the promise of Christ, “never will I leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).” I am with you to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20).” That includes today, tomorrow and every day after that!

4832 Ponderings:
- In what ways are you different today from a year ago (or longer)?
- How do you see God working through your circumstances to strengthen you, or help you to be a witness for him?
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