A Work in Progress
By Judy Glasser
Changing me.
Growing me.
This is what God is doing.
Changing me.
Growing me.
This is what God is doing.
Paul tells us in Romans 12, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. " vs 2.
God is in the process of gradually transforming me from the inside out by changing the way I think. As I continue to read, study and memorize God's word, his truth takes over more and more of my brain. His Word is becoming the basis of where my thoughts come from.
I've had people ask me how I can be so bold in talking and writing about my faith all the time. It doesn't seem bold to me - this is how I think.
Paul also says to us, " Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will." the rest of Romans 12:2.
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Renewing my mind is like tuning in a radio - as I dial into the signal, God's voice becomes clearer and more distinct. God is gradually aligning my thoughts more closely to his. One of my regular prayers is asking God to help me love the things he loves and hate the things he hates. When my thinking lines up with God's, I am able to hear him and understand as he reveals his plans and purposes - his perfect will.
God is in the process of gradually transforming me from the inside out by changing the way I think. As I continue to read, study and memorize God's word, his truth takes over more and more of my brain. His Word is becoming the basis of where my thoughts come from.
I've had people ask me how I can be so bold in talking and writing about my faith all the time. It doesn't seem bold to me - this is how I think.
Paul also says to us, " Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will." the rest of Romans 12:2.
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Renewing my mind is like tuning in a radio - as I dial into the signal, God's voice becomes clearer and more distinct. God is gradually aligning my thoughts more closely to his. One of my regular prayers is asking God to help me love the things he loves and hate the things he hates. When my thinking lines up with God's, I am able to hear him and understand as he reveals his plans and purposes - his perfect will.

I'm still a work in progress - the transformation is ongoing. But the mystery of how to clearly hear God's voice is solved -
get close to him.
get close to him.
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