They Are Lies
If I watch enough of today's news....
and you read enough Facebook posts....
and we hear enough 'discussion' on talk radio or podcasts....
we will be very confused on what is true. We won't know what's really going on. I hear some opinions that I agree with - so they are right - and other opinions I don't agree with - so they are obviously wrong.
and you read enough Facebook posts....
and we hear enough 'discussion' on talk radio or podcasts....
we will be very confused on what is true. We won't know what's really going on. I hear some opinions that I agree with - so they are right - and other opinions I don't agree with - so they are obviously wrong.
If I listen to all of these voices, my own perspective will lean one way.....
and then the other. You are right, they are not right, or maybe they are right and you are wrong?
Look around! This is happening every day. If I had to pick one word that I think describes our current culture the best, I would have to pick 'confused'.
Paul nails it in Romans 1, "They exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator - who is forever praised. Amen." verse 25.
There are way too many loud voices in our world spouting all kinds of lies. Since we are so digitally 'connected' these lies continue to spread and start to look like something people generally believe.
It's scary. Because it's still lies, no matter how many people believe them.
and then the other. You are right, they are not right, or maybe they are right and you are wrong?
Look around! This is happening every day. If I had to pick one word that I think describes our current culture the best, I would have to pick 'confused'.
Paul nails it in Romans 1, "They exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator - who is forever praised. Amen." verse 25.
There are way too many loud voices in our world spouting all kinds of lies. Since we are so digitally 'connected' these lies continue to spread and start to look like something people generally believe.
It's scary. Because it's still lies, no matter how many people believe them.

I am reminded of what is true whenever I sit down with my Bible in my lap. My quiet time gives me the chance turn off all of the voices around me and listen to God speak truth into my head and heart, feeding my soul. God's words cut through the cacophony and confusion, providing a solid foundation that does not change as the winds of the world shift and swirl around me.
God is my compass and he is the solid ground I stand on. His Word is my map which he is using to point out to me - one step at a time - the path that is taking me home...
where I will praise my Creator forever.
Amen. Let it be so, Abba Father.
God is my compass and he is the solid ground I stand on. His Word is my map which he is using to point out to me - one step at a time - the path that is taking me home...
where I will praise my Creator forever.
Amen. Let it be so, Abba Father.
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