Go Ahead and Say It

I noticed something leading up to, during, and after this recent Thanksgiving celebration. I encountered people that were willing to express thanks and gratitude. After a tough year, it was refreshing to hear these positive words!
Not only are these words refreshing, but there are also documented benefits from those simple words, “Thank you!” The gift of saying thank you stems from an attitude of gratitude. And when we are in a state of gratitude, and act on it, we experience positive impact on our mental, physical, and spiritual being. An outlook of gratitude positions us to more fully enjoy and experience the many positives of life.
Not only are these words refreshing, but there are also documented benefits from those simple words, “Thank you!” The gift of saying thank you stems from an attitude of gratitude. And when we are in a state of gratitude, and act on it, we experience positive impact on our mental, physical, and spiritual being. An outlook of gratitude positions us to more fully enjoy and experience the many positives of life.

You probably already practice gratitude in a variety of ways. You thank family and friends for their acts of kindness. More broadly, you may thank and express appreciation to food service providers, tellers, and people who provide needed services that benefit your life.

Part of our family spent some time in a cabin at Estes Park over Thanksgiving and we found a game in a closet called Lifestories. The game was a vehicle to allow participants to share stories, memories and values with the other players. It was fun and allowed us to share things that were important to us; and that discovery led us to gratitude.
Meal prayers may be a part of your life, as well as morning or “good night” prayers of thankfulness for the safety and protection of the day. You can also extend that gratitude to the people in your life by saying things like, “thanks so much for the time we spent together. It means so much to me.”
Meal prayers may be a part of your life, as well as morning or “good night” prayers of thankfulness for the safety and protection of the day. You can also extend that gratitude to the people in your life by saying things like, “thanks so much for the time we spent together. It means so much to me.”

Sometimes we can make a conscious choice in our work or school environments to be grateful and express thanks to those around us. The power of the words is magnified when giving specific examples of the person’s gracious actions toward you.
A wonderful but sometimes difficult way to express gratitude is by intentionally contacting someone either in person, phone or in a written note. The time you invest in this activity is noticed and appreciated by the recipient.
A wonderful but sometimes difficult way to express gratitude is by intentionally contacting someone either in person, phone or in a written note. The time you invest in this activity is noticed and appreciated by the recipient.

If you pause to contemplate and write down those things for which you are thankful, you will be a busy writer! We sometimes need to pause and reflect to be reminded of the many blessings in our lives.
Continue to practice gratitude and explore new opportunities to do so.
The ultimate source of the many blessings we receive is from our caring heavenly Father. It is our duty and delight to give Him all thanks and praise. He is the giver, provider, and sustainer.
Let’s close with the words of Psalm 106:1-2
Praise the Lord.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
Who can proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord
or fully declare his praise?
Truly, His love for us endures forever!
Continue to practice gratitude and explore new opportunities to do so.
The ultimate source of the many blessings we receive is from our caring heavenly Father. It is our duty and delight to give Him all thanks and praise. He is the giver, provider, and sustainer.
Let’s close with the words of Psalm 106:1-2
Praise the Lord.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
Who can proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord
or fully declare his praise?
Truly, His love for us endures forever!

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