You Are Loved

You Are Loved
The Apostle Paul loved people. He desired God’s best for them, and he wanted to make sure people knew God loves them. God actively pursues and reaches out to people wherever they might be. If you sometimes feel you are avoiding, or hesitant about God, know that He desires to be in relationship with you!
The Apostle Paul loved people. He desired God’s best for them, and he wanted to make sure people knew God loves them. God actively pursues and reaches out to people wherever they might be. If you sometimes feel you are avoiding, or hesitant about God, know that He desires to be in relationship with you!

Paul writes to the new Christian gathering of believers in Colossae. It is also God’s Word to you:
For this purpose,
since the day we discovered your existence,
we have not stopped praying for you.
We persistently ask God to fill you with the wisdom of His will.
Through all the shrewdness and understanding that the Spirit gives,
so that you may live a life worthwhile of the Lord and please Him in every way:
producing fruit in every good work,
flourishing in the knowledge of God,
being strengthened with all power
according to His glorious might
so that you may have great endurance and patience,
and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you
to share in the legacy of His holy people in the kingdom of light.
For He has rescued us
from the authority of darkness and
brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves,
in whom we have liberation,
the forgiveness of sins.
adapted from Col 1:9-14
For this purpose,
since the day we discovered your existence,
we have not stopped praying for you.
We persistently ask God to fill you with the wisdom of His will.
Through all the shrewdness and understanding that the Spirit gives,
so that you may live a life worthwhile of the Lord and please Him in every way:
producing fruit in every good work,
flourishing in the knowledge of God,
being strengthened with all power
according to His glorious might
so that you may have great endurance and patience,
and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you
to share in the legacy of His holy people in the kingdom of light.
For He has rescued us
from the authority of darkness and
brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves,
in whom we have liberation,
the forgiveness of sins.
adapted from Col 1:9-14

We are redeemed, forgiven, and liberated by our living, loving God! Sometimes we may feel unworthy of His attention and love. It’s not about our failings, it’s about God reaching out to us through Jesus, because He loves us so!

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