How Much More
By Judy Glasser. She knocked....
and knocked....
and knocked....
on the door of an unjust judge. Until he gave in, opened the door and gave her justice.
How much more will my Father God, who loves me, give me when I ask?
How much more does he have waiting for you when you pray and never give up?
Understanding the parable of the Persistent Widow in God's Word and applying it to my situations changed my life. Jesus tells the story about a widow looking for justice and knocking on the door of the unjust judge - over and over and over - until he decided to give her justice just to get rid of her. "And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly." Luke 18: 7-8.
Jesus addressed this same topic several times in his word. One of my favorites - "So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." Luke 11: 9 -10.
If you ask, will you receive? Yes. If you knock, will the door be opened? Yes.
This is my answer. When I'm stuck, when I'm frustrated, when I have no idea what to do - go to God and keep asking until I get an answer.
How much more does he have waiting for you when you pray and never give up?
Understanding the parable of the Persistent Widow in God's Word and applying it to my situations changed my life. Jesus tells the story about a widow looking for justice and knocking on the door of the unjust judge - over and over and over - until he decided to give her justice just to get rid of her. "And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly." Luke 18: 7-8.
Jesus addressed this same topic several times in his word. One of my favorites - "So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." Luke 11: 9 -10.
If you ask, will you receive? Yes. If you knock, will the door be opened? Yes.
This is my answer. When I'm stuck, when I'm frustrated, when I have no idea what to do - go to God and keep asking until I get an answer.

Now, I know. When I'm in those situations, I remember the Persistent widow and it reminds me that God has all of the right answers.
I just need to ask. And keep asking. And keep asking.
I ask knowing he will answer. I ask knowing that he will guide me in the next step. I ask knowing that he has determined the right path for my life. I ask because I know he has chosen me and he has great plans for me.
As I persist in seeking God...
he always answers. Always. Because he loves me and only wants the best for me.
When I have something big going on - something scary - something overwhelming....I pray.
And I keep praying. And then I pray some more.
I have had some very memorable days in my life which started in despair and fear and confusion but ended in peace with a plan and a smile because God answered my 100+ prayers that day. Often I started the day asking for something specific that he didn't want to give me. By the end of the day, he hadn't changed my circumstances. He changed my thinking, my perspective and my goal. He reminded me that he is in control.
When I persist in turning to God for wisdom, direction and strength he gives me all that I need and so much more.
Thank you, Abba Father.
I just need to ask. And keep asking. And keep asking.
I ask knowing he will answer. I ask knowing that he will guide me in the next step. I ask knowing that he has determined the right path for my life. I ask because I know he has chosen me and he has great plans for me.
As I persist in seeking God...
he always answers. Always. Because he loves me and only wants the best for me.
When I have something big going on - something scary - something overwhelming....I pray.
And I keep praying. And then I pray some more.
I have had some very memorable days in my life which started in despair and fear and confusion but ended in peace with a plan and a smile because God answered my 100+ prayers that day. Often I started the day asking for something specific that he didn't want to give me. By the end of the day, he hadn't changed my circumstances. He changed my thinking, my perspective and my goal. He reminded me that he is in control.
When I persist in turning to God for wisdom, direction and strength he gives me all that I need and so much more.
Thank you, Abba Father.
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