Seduced by Importance
There is an event in history, a real event. It is about a very important person, a leader, who was very important to alot of people. Some would call those masses of people throngs and throngs of supporters. This person was known for all they had done for those masses he had a type of charisma that endeared many to trust unequivocally. Ever been around someone like that? Who comes to mind?

Being in the lead can be intimidating, challenging, unwanted, invigorating, humbling, enjoyable, demanding, worrisome, etc., etc.. It can run a whole gamut of experiences. One of those is seducing.

We can begin to think it is about ME. This person I mentioned at the outset was caught in such a scenario but there are others that I know from life that seem to take on those responsibilities without getting seduced into thinking it is about them. This type of seduction has no boundaries, it hits in any realm of life you can conjure up in your mind. I don't have to make a list for you we all know what I am talking about, it is in our personal need of being seen as important and what happens when that starts feeding off itself. That importance creates it own enlarged shadow.
The question is How do we keep it in true perspective? And what are we to learn from those moments of seduction by importance both as the so called leader and by the throngs cheering accolades?
The question is How do we keep it in true perspective? And what are we to learn from those moments of seduction by importance both as the so called leader and by the throngs cheering accolades?

You may be wondering who I was referring to at the beginning, this "important " person but it really does not matter there are plenty to choose from in history that have been swayed by positions of influence to see themselves as vital. But the real one that we should learn from is in spoken of in Philippians 2:6 "Who being in the very nature of God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage."

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, the Life (John 14:6) and in Mt. 11:28-31 He says "Come to me all who are weary & heavy burden, I will give you rest ....".
Jesus was not Seduced (tempted) by importance as David was in 2 Samuel 11, He came to save you and me. He surrendered His life to death (took our place) so that we may dwell with him for eternity through His defeat of death (resurrection).
Jesus was not Seduced (tempted) by importance as David was in 2 Samuel 11, He came to save you and me. He surrendered His life to death (took our place) so that we may dwell with him for eternity through His defeat of death (resurrection).

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