Powerful or Powerless?

Feeling Powerful or Powerless?
What are current day expressions of power? Fame, fortune, politics, physical strength, military might? Or, how about more personal: your boss, the influence of a parent, church leader or pastor?
Would you be willing to trade your freewill to live in a world without suffering or evil? From the beginning, God gave Adam and Eve freewill, the opportunity to make choices. In a perfect world, Adam and Eve chose to disobey God and their perfect world immediately changed to include suffering and evil. You can read about it in Genesis 2:15-17 and Genesis 3.
That’s the world we live in today. It’s far from perfect. It’s filled with pain and suffering. It sometimes feels like we are powerless to do anything but just submit to what comes our way. Our power may feel limited, but God’s power is not! Consider these verses:
There is a church hymn, “Oh, Worship the King”, that seeks to capture the power of our God:
O worship the King,
All glorious above,
O gratefully sing
His power and His love;
Our Shield and Defender,
The Ancient of Days,
Pavilioned in splendor,
And girded with praise!
O tell of His might,
O sing of His grace,
Whose robe is the light
And canopy space!
Thy mercies how tender,
How firm to the end,
Our Maker Defender,
Redeemer, and Friend!
(Oh, Worship the King by Robert Grant, 1779-1838)
The Bible is filled with the history of God's power and faithfulness He has toward us, His children. In the first chapter of the Gospel of John we find the most powerful verse in the Bible of what God has done to restore our relationship with Him: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14).” Our all-powerful God came to earth in the form of a human being (Jesus) so that our relationship with God could be restored!
4832 Pondering: Does Jesus seem near to you or far away in your life right now? According to God’s promise (John 1:14), where is Jesus?
“Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.” Psalm 147:5
What are current day expressions of power? Fame, fortune, politics, physical strength, military might? Or, how about more personal: your boss, the influence of a parent, church leader or pastor?
Would you be willing to trade your freewill to live in a world without suffering or evil? From the beginning, God gave Adam and Eve freewill, the opportunity to make choices. In a perfect world, Adam and Eve chose to disobey God and their perfect world immediately changed to include suffering and evil. You can read about it in Genesis 2:15-17 and Genesis 3.
That’s the world we live in today. It’s far from perfect. It’s filled with pain and suffering. It sometimes feels like we are powerless to do anything but just submit to what comes our way. Our power may feel limited, but God’s power is not! Consider these verses:
- Genesis 15:1 calls God a shield for us and a very great reward.
- In Genesis 49:22-24 we read that Joseph was protected by his (and our) mighty God, who is a Shepherd and Rock.
- Deuteronomy 5:15 speaks of God’s protection with His mighty hand and outstretched arm!
- In Isaiah 50:2 God is speaking to His people that were doubting His strength. He responded, “Do I lack the strength to rescue you? By a mere rebuke I dry up the sea, I turn rivers into a desert; their fish rot for lack of water and die of thirst.” That is pretty descriptive of a great God!
There is a church hymn, “Oh, Worship the King”, that seeks to capture the power of our God:
O worship the King,
All glorious above,
O gratefully sing
His power and His love;
Our Shield and Defender,
The Ancient of Days,
Pavilioned in splendor,
And girded with praise!
O tell of His might,
O sing of His grace,
Whose robe is the light
And canopy space!
Thy mercies how tender,
How firm to the end,
Our Maker Defender,
Redeemer, and Friend!
(Oh, Worship the King by Robert Grant, 1779-1838)
The Bible is filled with the history of God's power and faithfulness He has toward us, His children. In the first chapter of the Gospel of John we find the most powerful verse in the Bible of what God has done to restore our relationship with Him: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14).” Our all-powerful God came to earth in the form of a human being (Jesus) so that our relationship with God could be restored!
4832 Pondering: Does Jesus seem near to you or far away in your life right now? According to God’s promise (John 1:14), where is Jesus?
“Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.” Psalm 147:5

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