Who am I ... to tell you
I have found quite often that telling others about something I think is right or something I learned or some advice on how to do things, can get a bit complicated and touchy. Quite often my experience has been very seldom did it come out the way I pictured. After all who do I think I am???

I'm like this guy in the boat (but without oars) I'm going to tell others on a better way while I'm out in the middle being blown around by the winds of life in every direction. Ya! I would sure listen to me, wouldn't you .... but for some reason God chooses us to go and tell others about The Way. Remember the movie "Oh God" with George Burns and John Denver. God (George Burns) was asked if he made any mistakes in creation and he answered "the avocado pit was too big", well maybe this plan of using me to tell others about The Way wasn't necessarily a great plan either.
BUT lets look at how God works. In Jeremiah 1:5 God says to Jeremiah "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart". I believe that is true. I believe each of us are a unique creation just like Adam & Eve. We are not some kind of accident or mass of cells that evolve into human beings, we are created by God.
BUT lets look at how God works. In Jeremiah 1:5 God says to Jeremiah "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart". I believe that is true. I believe each of us are a unique creation just like Adam & Eve. We are not some kind of accident or mass of cells that evolve into human beings, we are created by God.

Like Jeremiah in verse 6 I have said to God when asked to tell others about The Way "I do not know how to speak". Jeremiah said "he was to young" (well I am at the other end of that spectrum now, who wants to listen to an old conger). Anyway God shows Jeremiah (& us) in verse 9 His Ways "I have put my words in you mouth". Do you think that is possible? I do.

The words may look something like this puzzle a little confused, out of order, going every which way. I am not a scholar of the bible, I'm not so eloquent, I'm not an evangelist like Billy Graham, there are a lot of things I am not.

I am much like this tree surviving in the midst of stony terrain, not very pleasing to look at ... but I have a purpose. I am a Creation of God who Believes Jesus is the Way to true salvation and eternal relationship with God. In 1 Peter 4:11 it says "If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God" So in that Truth and Trust in God I will tell my story of Faith in Christ The Way.
To God be the Glory!!!
To God be the Glory!!!
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