He is Not Like Me
By Judy Glasser I am created in the image of God, I am like him.
But he is not like me.
But he is not like me.
I have found this to be a crucial truth to get straight in my brain so that I have the correct expectations of God. Do you ever feel confused by what God is doing? Frustrated? Disappointed? When I have these feelings towards God, I think about Isaiah 55:8 and let this truth sink in.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.”
God is very clear in this statement. He's taking care of me and my concern but not in the way that I'm thinking. He is doing something entirely different than what I would do.
God is perfectly holy, perfectly just, perfectly loving and always right.
I am farrrrrrrr from perfect. I cannot judge God’s actions – whether they are right or wrong – based on what I think. My thinking is very flawed. It is self-centered, self-seeking and severely limited. I don’t think like God. I will never think like God.
So I submit to his will, his plan, his purpose.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.”
God is very clear in this statement. He's taking care of me and my concern but not in the way that I'm thinking. He is doing something entirely different than what I would do.
God is perfectly holy, perfectly just, perfectly loving and always right.
I am farrrrrrrr from perfect. I cannot judge God’s actions – whether they are right or wrong – based on what I think. My thinking is very flawed. It is self-centered, self-seeking and severely limited. I don’t think like God. I will never think like God.
So I submit to his will, his plan, his purpose.

I am totally confident in God’s goodness and his perfect love for me. I know to the depths of my spirit that God wants the best for me. Even though I will never understand how he thinks and why he has permitted a painful tragedy to happen in my life when my son was killed, I will trust God. His ways are not my ways – his ways are perfect.
In response to this truth, I have decided that my way is to walk in trust and faithfulness to God for the rest of my days on this planet. I have decided to live in gratitude for his free gift of redemption through Jesus. I don’t question what God does or doesn’t do. I don’t try to determine if he is right or wrong – I know he is right. He is always walking beside me, loving me and caring for me, even when he is not doing what I think is best. He knows better.
I trust you, Abba Father.
In response to this truth, I have decided that my way is to walk in trust and faithfulness to God for the rest of my days on this planet. I have decided to live in gratitude for his free gift of redemption through Jesus. I don’t question what God does or doesn’t do. I don’t try to determine if he is right or wrong – I know he is right. He is always walking beside me, loving me and caring for me, even when he is not doing what I think is best. He knows better.
I trust you, Abba Father.
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