How do you measure up
It has been my observation we seem to measure or compare everything in life, it starts right from conception "when are you due?", at birth "what did he/she weigh?", "what height?", "what percentile are they in?" The measuring/comparing never stops even at death "How old were they?"

How far along are you? How much weight have you gained?

we measure temperatures, our waste size, shoe size,
I.Q., E.Q., Horse Power,size of particles, viruses,
I.Q., E.Q., Horse Power,size of particles, viruses,

electrical voltages, particles of contaminant per billion
and on and on and on.
and on and on and on.
So how does God measure?
Some say God uses the Ten Commandments to measure. I guess I can understand that thinking. There are statements of what we should do "Thous Shall" and "Thou Shall Not" those seem like some form of guidelines/measurements. Are those the only parameters that God uses to measure? What happens when the guidelines are not followed? How do you restore Trust? How do you ever measure up again?
Some say God uses the Ten Commandments to measure. I guess I can understand that thinking. There are statements of what we should do "Thous Shall" and "Thou Shall Not" those seem like some form of guidelines/measurements. Are those the only parameters that God uses to measure? What happens when the guidelines are not followed? How do you restore Trust? How do you ever measure up again?

I don't know about you but for me it is hard to forget when someone breaks their word or trust with me. I know all the sayings "forgive and forget", "let by-gones be by-gones", "it's over with so let go",, "forget it and move on", etc., etc..
There is some wisdom in all of those I suppose. But God does it different He provided a way for complete forgiveness never to be remembered again, "removed as far as the east is from the west" Psalm 103:12.
I've tried to get east to meet west but no matter where I stand east is always the other direction from west. Maybe that is the same way it is susposed to be between forgiveness and unforgivemess according to God.
There is some wisdom in all of those I suppose. But God does it different He provided a way for complete forgiveness never to be remembered again, "removed as far as the east is from the west" Psalm 103:12.
I've tried to get east to meet west but no matter where I stand east is always the other direction from west. Maybe that is the same way it is susposed to be between forgiveness and unforgivemess according to God.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-21
God does do more than we can even ask or imagine. He provided the full payment for us who Believe the price was paid by Jesus for our lives, so that we can be in communion with God as He desired from the very beginning. The east will always be a different direction than west.
Abba Father!!
Ephesians 3:20-21
God does do more than we can even ask or imagine. He provided the full payment for us who Believe the price was paid by Jesus for our lives, so that we can be in communion with God as He desired from the very beginning. The east will always be a different direction than west.
Abba Father!!
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