God's Math
By Judy Glasser God has a supernatural math when it comes to our generosity with our money and time in supporting the work of his kingdom here on earth.

His math is not like our math where 1+1=2.
God's math makes 1+1=100. Or 1000. Or 1,000,000 if he wants it to be.
God's blessing + our giving = everybody wins.
When we give to God, we don't have less. We have more. Don't ask me to explain it - it's just the truth. I've experienced it many times. We truly cannot out give God.
God's math has been true for thousands of years. In 2 Chronicles, after the Israelites started to bring their contributions to the Temple of the Lord, they found that they had plenty to eat with plenty to spare. God multiplied their generosity by giving them back more - a lot more. "When Hezekiah and his officials came and saw the heaps (of contributions), they praised the LORD and blessed his people Israel." 2 Chronicles 31:8. The king built large storerooms for all of the leftover contributions and put the Levites in charge of distributing the gifts in other towns.
See how God's math works? Their generosity just kept multiplying and spreading. Now their neighbors were being blessed.
God does the same thing today. If you haven't personally experienced this, test him and see.
God's math makes 1+1=100. Or 1000. Or 1,000,000 if he wants it to be.
God's blessing + our giving = everybody wins.
When we give to God, we don't have less. We have more. Don't ask me to explain it - it's just the truth. I've experienced it many times. We truly cannot out give God.
God's math has been true for thousands of years. In 2 Chronicles, after the Israelites started to bring their contributions to the Temple of the Lord, they found that they had plenty to eat with plenty to spare. God multiplied their generosity by giving them back more - a lot more. "When Hezekiah and his officials came and saw the heaps (of contributions), they praised the LORD and blessed his people Israel." 2 Chronicles 31:8. The king built large storerooms for all of the leftover contributions and put the Levites in charge of distributing the gifts in other towns.
See how God's math works? Their generosity just kept multiplying and spreading. Now their neighbors were being blessed.
God does the same thing today. If you haven't personally experienced this, test him and see.
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