A Direct Line
By Judy Glasser Have you noticed?
It appears that some people have a direct line to God. When they call (pray), God always responds. Stuff happens.
It appears that some people have a direct line to God. When they call (pray), God always responds. Stuff happens.

I believe it's true - some people have a direct line to God.
Because they pray in line with God's will. When I pray for what God wants to give me, I always get it. He has promised me.
God tells me in James 1, when I pray for wisdom, I always get it - in generous amounts. When I pray for more of the Fruit of the Spirit, the Spirit that lives inside of me helps grow and nurture those things. When it's God's will for me, he says yes every time.
The key is praying God's will. What does God want? What is best for his purposes?
To do this, I need to know God well. I need to have his word etched on my heart and mind so that it's how I think. And - this can be a tough one - I need to put what he wants ahead of what I want. There are times when God reveals to me through his Word what he wants done in a certain situation. Other times, I simply pray Jesus' prayer, "Thy will be done."
I can't give God a list of things I want and expect him to say yes to everything. But when I pray for what God wants - knowing and trusting that what he wants is always best - it happens.
This doesn't mean I don't ask God for things I want. He tells us to pray to him all the time on every occasion about everything. It does mean that the answer will not be 'yes' if I'm praying out of line with his will.
In 1 Chronicles, King David was trying to bring the Ark of God back to Jerusalem but he was running into big problems. One of his men died because he touched the Ark to steady it. That scared David so he left the Ark with a local family and went on to Jerusalem. There, he realized the issue with the Ark was "we did not inquire of him (God) about how to do it in the prescribed way." 1 Chronicles 15:13b.
So David consulted God and, when they did it God's way, they were successful. David danced with joy in front of the Ark as it entered Jerusalem, the City of David.
When I ask God to do things his way, my direct line to God is wide open.
And the answer is always 'yes'.
Thank you, Abba Father.
Because they pray in line with God's will. When I pray for what God wants to give me, I always get it. He has promised me.
God tells me in James 1, when I pray for wisdom, I always get it - in generous amounts. When I pray for more of the Fruit of the Spirit, the Spirit that lives inside of me helps grow and nurture those things. When it's God's will for me, he says yes every time.
The key is praying God's will. What does God want? What is best for his purposes?
To do this, I need to know God well. I need to have his word etched on my heart and mind so that it's how I think. And - this can be a tough one - I need to put what he wants ahead of what I want. There are times when God reveals to me through his Word what he wants done in a certain situation. Other times, I simply pray Jesus' prayer, "Thy will be done."
I can't give God a list of things I want and expect him to say yes to everything. But when I pray for what God wants - knowing and trusting that what he wants is always best - it happens.
This doesn't mean I don't ask God for things I want. He tells us to pray to him all the time on every occasion about everything. It does mean that the answer will not be 'yes' if I'm praying out of line with his will.
In 1 Chronicles, King David was trying to bring the Ark of God back to Jerusalem but he was running into big problems. One of his men died because he touched the Ark to steady it. That scared David so he left the Ark with a local family and went on to Jerusalem. There, he realized the issue with the Ark was "we did not inquire of him (God) about how to do it in the prescribed way." 1 Chronicles 15:13b.
So David consulted God and, when they did it God's way, they were successful. David danced with joy in front of the Ark as it entered Jerusalem, the City of David.
When I ask God to do things his way, my direct line to God is wide open.
And the answer is always 'yes'.
Thank you, Abba Father.
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We are the daughters and the sons of the creator. He gave us everything we need. If we do not find the strength within ourselves for Honor dignity and the truth. Under the misleading. Intentions of the planet Earth. We are now all going to die. For our father the Creator gave us everything we need. We are not weak we are not stupid. We will not be misled. By the manipulations. Of Jesus. For he died. Because of our sins.. not for our sins. The written manipulation is to destroy mankind. Humans do not belong on Earth. And you may wake up at this point. For the true creator will show you the way. Understand the truth. We will all be killed. Eliminated for the planet Earth is a miscarriage of military industry of nuclear industry that has changed our DNA and turn this into evil pathetic parasites of the human race and the planet Earth. We are miscarriage and we must understand. We all die in mortal sins for your greed and your stupidity