I did it my way
There is a song that Frank Sinatra recorded "I did it my way". I once had someone in authority at a church reply to me "now I have to do it my way". That song and those words, to me echo, and unfortunately maybe the root of way to many of our worlds thinking today ..... do you think that way as well?

How would you define your way? Frank Sinatra's way according to the lyrics of that song are pretty worldly and self centered. The leader who told me he was going to do it his way turned out to be rather punitive and focused on his reputation in the eyes of others. Are those examples really that much different than we see in the world today. There is alot of anger and alot of statements about what about what is unfair and what is unequal.
But God says "Your ways are not my ways", what do you think God really meant?
Look at Isaiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not you thoughts, neither are you ways my ways, declares the Lord". So what are Gods ways?
Ezekiel 18:29 the Israelites said "the way of the Lord is not just". God replies "Are my ways unjust, people of Israel? Is it not your ways that are unjust?"
So if our ways about our justification, about our satisfaction, about just consequences what are Gods ways? In Psalm 25:4 it says "Show me your ways, Lord, teach my your paths".
But God says "Your ways are not my ways", what do you think God really meant?
Look at Isaiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not you thoughts, neither are you ways my ways, declares the Lord". So what are Gods ways?
Ezekiel 18:29 the Israelites said "the way of the Lord is not just". God replies "Are my ways unjust, people of Israel? Is it not your ways that are unjust?"
So if our ways about our justification, about our satisfaction, about just consequences what are Gods ways? In Psalm 25:4 it says "Show me your ways, Lord, teach my your paths".

Jesus gives us a pretty clear definition of His ways in Mt. 11 starting at verse 28, he implores us to come to me when we have stresses, problems, issues in life and to learn from Him. He says His ways are gentle and humble in nature that is direct contrast to "doing it my way" represented in my two earlier examples.
That takes a willingness to surrender my thinking to the thinking of God, to His ways of Grace and Mercy. So are your ways the Ways of Jesus?
That takes a willingness to surrender my thinking to the thinking of God, to His ways of Grace and Mercy. So are your ways the Ways of Jesus?
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