Who Are You?

Is there a story about your name? Does it tell others something about you? What do you share about yourself when you first meet someone?
Some time back, Rob Bell created a series of thought-provoking short films under the umbrella Nooma which refers to wind, spirit, or breath. One of the short films is entitled Name (it’s #18 in the series). A group of people wearing t-shirts are shown. The t-shirts have words or short phrases that tell something about each person, like: southerner, a baker, GED, college graduate, etc. Each person takes off their t-shirt to reveal another one, different in color and a different word. This goes on for several sets of t-shirts. The words begin to change tone from positive descriptors to those that are more revealing, painful and real, like: weak, compulsive, envious, ashamed, bankrupt, addict, etc. A group of people that seemed like they have it all together finally reveal the real problems, fears and challenges they face.
You can watch the by clicking video here:
NOOMA video #18 Rob Bell ©2007 by Flannel
Some time back, Rob Bell created a series of thought-provoking short films under the umbrella Nooma which refers to wind, spirit, or breath. One of the short films is entitled Name (it’s #18 in the series). A group of people wearing t-shirts are shown. The t-shirts have words or short phrases that tell something about each person, like: southerner, a baker, GED, college graduate, etc. Each person takes off their t-shirt to reveal another one, different in color and a different word. This goes on for several sets of t-shirts. The words begin to change tone from positive descriptors to those that are more revealing, painful and real, like: weak, compulsive, envious, ashamed, bankrupt, addict, etc. A group of people that seemed like they have it all together finally reveal the real problems, fears and challenges they face.
You can watch the by clicking video here:
NOOMA video #18 Rob Bell ©2007 by Flannel

In the Old Testament we read an interesting story of two brothers: Jacob and Esau. They did not get along. In fact, there was so much animosity that they parted ways. After many years, Jacob came back to Esau to try to restore the relationship. He sent scouts ahead who returned to report that Esau had assembled an army of 400 men! Afraid, Jacob separated his family members from his traveling party because he was afraid Esau might destroy them all. Instead, Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him; he threw his arms around his neck and kissed him. And they wept. Esau wasn’t mad, he was elated that his brother desired to be reunited. They were no longer called adversaries, they were family. They could be real and honest with each other.

4832 Ponderings:
Here are some verses from the Bible that may help you with this:
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” I Peter 2:9
Rob Bell concludes the video with this blessing, admonition or challenge: “May you do the hard work of the soul to discover your true self. May you find you unique path, the one God has for you. And in the process, may you find yourself comfortable in your own skin.” Rob Bell
You can watch the by clicking video here:
NOOMA video #18 Rob Bell ©2007 by Flannel
- We sometimes put forward a false sense of who we are. Why is that?
- Why is it difficult to not compare yourself with someone else?
- Sometimes we are afraid to reveal our true selves. This could be because we want to look successful in front of others, we want to look happy, or maybe it’s because we’re trying to convince ourselves that everything is just fine.
Here are some verses from the Bible that may help you with this:
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” I Peter 2:9
Rob Bell concludes the video with this blessing, admonition or challenge: “May you do the hard work of the soul to discover your true self. May you find you unique path, the one God has for you. And in the process, may you find yourself comfortable in your own skin.” Rob Bell
You can watch the by clicking video here:
NOOMA video #18 Rob Bell ©2007 by Flannel
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