Fill It UP!
I used to feel an emptiness deep inside of my soul. There was a space in my heart and mind that a college degree, marriage to a great guy, two awesome kids, a big house, 2 nice cars and my dream career could not fill. I was looking for something to complete me and I couldn't find it.
Have you ever been there? It's a weird place filled with all the 'stuff' I ever wanted but haunted by a dark cloud of unhappiness.
I pause when I read about King Solomon dedicating the magnificent temple he built for the Lord in 1 Kings 8:11, and "The glory of the Lord filled the temple. "
I know what it feels like to have the glory of the Lord fill the temple. God tells me in the New Testament that the redeeming grace of Jesus changed my relationship with God and now my body is the temple of God. When I put my trust in Jesus, his Spirit came into my life and changed it forever. God's love for me filled to overflowing the empty spot in my soul.
I pause when I read about King Solomon dedicating the magnificent temple he built for the Lord in 1 Kings 8:11, and "The glory of the Lord filled the temple. "
I know what it feels like to have the glory of the Lord fill the temple. God tells me in the New Testament that the redeeming grace of Jesus changed my relationship with God and now my body is the temple of God. When I put my trust in Jesus, his Spirit came into my life and changed it forever. God's love for me filled to overflowing the empty spot in my soul.

God has filled my life with his passion - just like he filled Solomon's temple.
God has filled me with his glory - so that his love and light can shine out of me.
God has filled me with his power and joy. God gives me peace in spite of my circumstances. He opens my eyes and heart to his truth.
Are you looking for any of these things for your life? God's arms are wide open for everyone who will accept his gift of grace and salvation. We can't earn it. God gives it for free because it's been paid for by Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.
God is the only thing that can fill the empty spot in our soul.
Thank you, Abba Father.
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