ALONE. That feeling that can be satisfying, yet unnatural. I'm sure you've felt it before, that sense of being alone, separate, lost, or isolated. Think about it ... was it a feeling of freedom or fear?
Remember that time when you were little, like three or four, just able to walk away from your parents. It felt great, you really didn’t even notice a difference, then all of the sudden your world collapsed, and you were alone, lost, without those you know.
Perhaps it was a little later in life, like eleven or twelve and it felt good to be separated. Everything was going well with you and your friends. It was an enjoyable time up until, that little misstep. Then you really wanted what you knew as your normal surroundings back.
Maybe none of the above happened, you find yourself in college or beyond. It is all on you now, rent, bills, life, etc… Wow how did that happen? You find yourself a little overwhelmed and just want to go back to the earlier times in life.
Then comes life with kids, parents, jobs and way more responsibilities. STOP …
Or maybe it is amid the busyness or schedules, that we can never feel alone. But do we really feel known?
Alone can be felt in many different life circumstances and situations. It can bring on many feelings good or bad.
Remember that time when you were little, like three or four, just able to walk away from your parents. It felt great, you really didn’t even notice a difference, then all of the sudden your world collapsed, and you were alone, lost, without those you know.
Perhaps it was a little later in life, like eleven or twelve and it felt good to be separated. Everything was going well with you and your friends. It was an enjoyable time up until, that little misstep. Then you really wanted what you knew as your normal surroundings back.
Maybe none of the above happened, you find yourself in college or beyond. It is all on you now, rent, bills, life, etc… Wow how did that happen? You find yourself a little overwhelmed and just want to go back to the earlier times in life.
Then comes life with kids, parents, jobs and way more responsibilities. STOP …
Or maybe it is amid the busyness or schedules, that we can never feel alone. But do we really feel known?
Alone can be felt in many different life circumstances and situations. It can bring on many feelings good or bad.
Genesis 2:18 - Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”

The reality is in all the stages in life, being ALONE is not the desire God has for us. Sure, He wants intimate time with us, to grow us, stretch us and perhaps send us out to His mission field.
Think about it the disciples as Jesus ascended. ALONE … that is what they found themselves. Waiting for the one Jesus promised to send. Probably wondering what was next, but God sent his Sprit on what we know as Pentecost
You are not alone, God sent His Son Jesus to reconnect us and remind us He is with us! He sends His Spirit to walk with us, guide, us, comfort us and lead us. He sent us each other to remind one another that we are not alone and have a purpose for today, tomorrow and the next.
You are not alone!
Think about it the disciples as Jesus ascended. ALONE … that is what they found themselves. Waiting for the one Jesus promised to send. Probably wondering what was next, but God sent his Sprit on what we know as Pentecost
You are not alone, God sent His Son Jesus to reconnect us and remind us He is with us! He sends His Spirit to walk with us, guide, us, comfort us and lead us. He sent us each other to remind one another that we are not alone and have a purpose for today, tomorrow and the next.
You are not alone!
Hebrews 12: 1-3 - Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
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