I'm Excited for You!

I’m Excited for You!
Can you remember a time when you were excited because someone was coming to visit you, or you were going to visit someone? Paul wrote a letter to the young Christians (young in faith, not necessarily in age). We call this letter the book of Colossians in the Bible. Paul is excited for them and about them, although he has not yet even met them! Why?
Paul says, “because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints (Col 1:4).” Isn’t that a great compliment to these young believers? They are putting into practice what they are learning about Jesus.
Can you remember a time when you were excited because someone was coming to visit you, or you were going to visit someone? Paul wrote a letter to the young Christians (young in faith, not necessarily in age). We call this letter the book of Colossians in the Bible. Paul is excited for them and about them, although he has not yet even met them! Why?
Paul says, “because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints (Col 1:4).” Isn’t that a great compliment to these young believers? They are putting into practice what they are learning about Jesus.

I would like to live like this! I would like my actions and words to reflect what I am learning about my relationship with Jesus. Paul gives us some guidance in the first chapter of Colossians on how to promote this faith journey. He emphasizes the importance of praying for one another. Who’s praying for you? Who are you praying for? Here’s what he says we should be praying for one another:
That’s a pretty challenging list! But approach it with this truth:
- That God would fill us with Spirit-powered knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
- That we would live lives that please and represent Jesus.
- That we would help others to learn about Jesus.
- That we would pray for power to have endurance, patience, and a thankful heart.
- That we would thank God for what He has done for us through Christ.
That’s a pretty challenging list! But approach it with this truth:
- We are motivated by love, not guilt.
- We are empowered by the Holy Spirit.
- We are redeemed and forgiven children of God, commissioned to live our lives for His glory and that others may know Him. It’s not a contest, it’s a celebration of what he has done for us through Christ!

4832 Ponderings:
Who is, or should be, on your prayer list?
Who can you ask to pray for you in this way?
What specific action can you take today that reflects and communicates God’s love through Christ?
Who is, or should be, on your prayer list?
Who can you ask to pray for you in this way?
What specific action can you take today that reflects and communicates God’s love through Christ?

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