Second Chance
Second Chance
by Judy Glasser
by Judy Glasser
I’ve been there more than once – have you?
It’s the times where I wish I had a second chance – a redo. When my heart is aching with regret and my head is rolling with things I shouldn’t have said or things I should have done but didn’t do, I wish I could go back.
If I had the chance to do it over, I would do it so differently!
With people, there is never a 100% redo. The deeds are done, the words have been said. Forgiveness is possible but wiping out the memory is not.
It’s the times where I wish I had a second chance – a redo. When my heart is aching with regret and my head is rolling with things I shouldn’t have said or things I should have done but didn’t do, I wish I could go back.
If I had the chance to do it over, I would do it so differently!
With people, there is never a 100% redo. The deeds are done, the words have been said. Forgiveness is possible but wiping out the memory is not.

One of my favorite things about God is that he can redeem these situations. He can and he does make something good come out of them. He teaches me to grow through these times – helping me mature as he molds my character and thinking. When I ask for wisdom, he always gives it to me which helps me avoid situations where I need redo’s.
As I read about Rahab in Joshua 2, I can visualize this huge headline on it –
God’s Power of Redemption.
Rahab was a prostitute in Jericho when she met the two spies Joshua had sent into the city to check it out before the Israelites attacked. Rahab made the courageous decision to put her life on the line for the spies when she hid them from the men the King sent to kill them. She lied to the king’s men telling them the spies had gone out of the city so the kings men quickly went in pursuit just as the city gates closed for the night.
Meanwhile, the spies were safely hidden on the roof of Rahab’s house. Rahab knew the Israelites were going to attack – everyone knew it and were very afraid. When she begged the spies to save her family, they agreed because of her courage in hiding them. Then Rahab helped them escape out of the city and sent them on a different direction from the men who were looking for them.
Later, we will read that Rahab and her family were the only survivors of the attack on Jericho.
It’s obvious that God saved Rahab for a purpose. He had bigger plans for her. After God saved her, she totally changed her direction, married, had children and became part of the lineage of Christ. A prostitute was the great, great, too many greats to count, grandmother of Jesus, God’s son, who came to save the world.
God is extremely serious about his redemption business.
As I read about Rahab in Joshua 2, I can visualize this huge headline on it –
God’s Power of Redemption.
Rahab was a prostitute in Jericho when she met the two spies Joshua had sent into the city to check it out before the Israelites attacked. Rahab made the courageous decision to put her life on the line for the spies when she hid them from the men the King sent to kill them. She lied to the king’s men telling them the spies had gone out of the city so the kings men quickly went in pursuit just as the city gates closed for the night.
Meanwhile, the spies were safely hidden on the roof of Rahab’s house. Rahab knew the Israelites were going to attack – everyone knew it and were very afraid. When she begged the spies to save her family, they agreed because of her courage in hiding them. Then Rahab helped them escape out of the city and sent them on a different direction from the men who were looking for them.
Later, we will read that Rahab and her family were the only survivors of the attack on Jericho.
It’s obvious that God saved Rahab for a purpose. He had bigger plans for her. After God saved her, she totally changed her direction, married, had children and became part of the lineage of Christ. A prostitute was the great, great, too many greats to count, grandmother of Jesus, God’s son, who came to save the world.
God is extremely serious about his redemption business.

Rahab’s story was obviously shared down through the generations as a popular redemption story because she shows up in the New Testament, “was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction.” James 2:25.
A prostitute – used as an example of a righteous woman, related to Jesus. If it can happen to her, it can happen to anybody!
God is still redeeming your life and my life today. I don’t have to be stuck in my failures and rebellion of yesterday. By putting my faith in what Jesus did for me on the cross, all of that has been forgiven. I don’t have to be weighed down by the mistakes I’m making today – those have also been forgiven. I don’t have to be worried or afraid about the things I might mess up in the future because all of it has already been forgiven.
A prostitute – used as an example of a righteous woman, related to Jesus. If it can happen to her, it can happen to anybody!
God is still redeeming your life and my life today. I don’t have to be stuck in my failures and rebellion of yesterday. By putting my faith in what Jesus did for me on the cross, all of that has been forgiven. I don’t have to be weighed down by the mistakes I’m making today – those have also been forgiven. I don’t have to be worried or afraid about the things I might mess up in the future because all of it has already been forgiven.

Today I live in grace provided by Jesus, unconditionally loved by my heavenly Father.
I am free.
I am redeemed.
Thank you, Abba.
written by Judy Glasser
I am free.
I am redeemed.
Thank you, Abba.
written by Judy Glasser
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