Forgiving and Forgetting

Remembering to Forgive
Are your thoughts fooling you, or empowering you?
George Bernard Shaw said, ‘Some men see things as they are and say, “Why?” I dream of things that never were and say, “Why not?”’
Forgive means making a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who have wronged you. It means an active moment by moment living out of God’s command to “love our neighbor as ourselves.” It means asking God’s Spirit to challenge our thoughts and remind us of His forgiveness that came first!
This morning for some reason I was thinking of people that have been difficult to forgive. I wondered if Jesus hanging on the cross had struggled to say the words “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!”? What? The people around the cross certainly knew what they were doing! They were brutally killing a human being that was innocent, they knew. Yet, Jesus looked beyond the wrong done to Him and extended grace and mercy because it was the perfect answer.
So often in life I want to live as the victim. Life is not fair I cry out…too much to get done, too tired to keep trying, needing to start over again! But then God reminds me that His mercy is new every morning, that He does not condemn me, that I am truly set free to love and serve and live in joy! This is the life I want to live! To do this, I must choose to actively speak God’s truth into my thoughts and meditate by the power of the Spirit on truth. Truth like this: Jesus said, ‘With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible. (Mark 10:27)
Are your thoughts fooling you, or empowering you?
George Bernard Shaw said, ‘Some men see things as they are and say, “Why?” I dream of things that never were and say, “Why not?”’
Forgive means making a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who have wronged you. It means an active moment by moment living out of God’s command to “love our neighbor as ourselves.” It means asking God’s Spirit to challenge our thoughts and remind us of His forgiveness that came first!
This morning for some reason I was thinking of people that have been difficult to forgive. I wondered if Jesus hanging on the cross had struggled to say the words “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!”? What? The people around the cross certainly knew what they were doing! They were brutally killing a human being that was innocent, they knew. Yet, Jesus looked beyond the wrong done to Him and extended grace and mercy because it was the perfect answer.
So often in life I want to live as the victim. Life is not fair I cry out…too much to get done, too tired to keep trying, needing to start over again! But then God reminds me that His mercy is new every morning, that He does not condemn me, that I am truly set free to love and serve and live in joy! This is the life I want to live! To do this, I must choose to actively speak God’s truth into my thoughts and meditate by the power of the Spirit on truth. Truth like this: Jesus said, ‘With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible. (Mark 10:27)

Pray with me:
Father, remind me to forgive first, as you have forgiven me. You are all powerful, teach me to challenge my every thought and make each one obedient to you. Fill my mind with your Spirit that what I first remember is the many times you have forgiven me! Help me to see Jesus in others first and foremost! This is the life I desire and only by your power will that happen. Thank you, Lord, for this day. May I serve you mightily using my gifts to honor your name. Amen
4832 Ponderings:
Who in my life is in need of my forgiveness? What is stopping me from making that happen?
Do I need to ask forgiveness from someone else? What is stopping me from asking for it?
Father, remind me to forgive first, as you have forgiven me. You are all powerful, teach me to challenge my every thought and make each one obedient to you. Fill my mind with your Spirit that what I first remember is the many times you have forgiven me! Help me to see Jesus in others first and foremost! This is the life I desire and only by your power will that happen. Thank you, Lord, for this day. May I serve you mightily using my gifts to honor your name. Amen
4832 Ponderings:
Who in my life is in need of my forgiveness? What is stopping me from making that happen?
Do I need to ask forgiveness from someone else? What is stopping me from asking for it?
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