The Wind Was Against Them
The Wind Was Against Them
by Judy Glasser
by Judy Glasser
Sometimes it feels like everything is going against us, doesn’t it?
Our kids get sick.
Then the car breaks down.
Our boss starts driving us crazy.
Our bank balance gets down to a single digit.
And the election ends in a mess.
We worry.
We struggle.
We stress.
We forget.
You and I forget that we have the Spirit of the Lord of the Universe living inside of us when we have put our faith in him. He has the power to handle all of our problems. When we turn to him, he can help us stop worrying, stop struggling and stop stressing.
Our kids get sick.
Then the car breaks down.
Our boss starts driving us crazy.
Our bank balance gets down to a single digit.
And the election ends in a mess.
We worry.
We struggle.
We stress.
We forget.
You and I forget that we have the Spirit of the Lord of the Universe living inside of us when we have put our faith in him. He has the power to handle all of our problems. When we turn to him, he can help us stop worrying, stop struggling and stop stressing.

This truth became more real to me 6 years ago when I had the chance to visit the Sea of Galilee. As we sailed through the water, I thought about the stormy night when the disciples were straining at the oars of their boat while the winds of a storm battled against them. I could visualize Jesus walking on the water out to the disciple’s boat.
The reality of the power of Jesus became even more evident to me that day. Jesus really is in control of everything. He really does command the sea and the winds and everything around me.
The reality of the power of Jesus became even more evident to me that day. Jesus really is in control of everything. He really does command the sea and the winds and everything around me.

I find that I am a lot like Peter who stepped out of the boat to walk to Jesus on the water and was doing great until he took his eyes off of Jesus and focused on the storm around him. Then he started to sink just like I start to sink into worry and into anxiousness when I take my eyes off of Jesus.
Like Peter, Jesus reaches out his hand to me in my distress and says, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” (Matt 14:31) Then we climb into the boat together. I am safe. Secure. Forgiven. Loved.
Why did I doubt?
Like Peter, Jesus reaches out his hand to me in my distress and says, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” (Matt 14:31) Then we climb into the boat together. I am safe. Secure. Forgiven. Loved.
Why did I doubt?

I have nothing to fear. I have nothing to worry about.
There is no wind blowing against me that Jesus does not control and he loves me enough to sacrifice himself for me.
That says it all. I just need to have faith and keep my eyes on Jesus.
Thank you, dear Jesus.
There is no wind blowing against me that Jesus does not control and he loves me enough to sacrifice himself for me.
That says it all. I just need to have faith and keep my eyes on Jesus.
Thank you, dear Jesus.
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