Am I Good Enough?
Am I Good Enough?
by Judy Glasser
by Judy Glasser
Being ‘good enough’ is not my goal.
Getting my act together is not my goal.
Checking all the boxes – keeping busy with ‘God’ stuff – is not my goal.
The historical account of Jesus’ baptism tells me what pleases God.
I do.
When I trusted in Jesus and was redeemed by His sacrifice on the cross, I was adopted by God and became one of His precious daughters. ‘Joint heirs with Jesus’ – as an old hymn describes it. What Jesus did for me makes me ‘good enough’.
Romans 6:3-5 - Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his.
While reading about Jesus’ baptism, I realize that Jesus hadn’t started his ministry yet. He hadn’t DONE anything for God. But God spoke from heaven to let everyone know that Jesus was His son and He was ‘well pleased’. (Luke 3:21-22)
Let’s take a moment to let that soak in, my brothers and sisters.
Jesus was God’s son and God was pleased with him – before his ministry began. Before he did any miracles. Before he did any teaching.
Accepting salvation through Jesus makes you and I children of God – and He is pleased with us.
Getting my act together is not my goal.
Checking all the boxes – keeping busy with ‘God’ stuff – is not my goal.
The historical account of Jesus’ baptism tells me what pleases God.
I do.
When I trusted in Jesus and was redeemed by His sacrifice on the cross, I was adopted by God and became one of His precious daughters. ‘Joint heirs with Jesus’ – as an old hymn describes it. What Jesus did for me makes me ‘good enough’.
Romans 6:3-5 - Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his.
While reading about Jesus’ baptism, I realize that Jesus hadn’t started his ministry yet. He hadn’t DONE anything for God. But God spoke from heaven to let everyone know that Jesus was His son and He was ‘well pleased’. (Luke 3:21-22)
Let’s take a moment to let that soak in, my brothers and sisters.
Jesus was God’s son and God was pleased with him – before his ministry began. Before he did any miracles. Before he did any teaching.
Accepting salvation through Jesus makes you and I children of God – and He is pleased with us.

Feel His smile shining down on you.
Feel His unconditional love.
Feel His forgiveness for any guilt that is weighing heavy on your shoulders.
Feel His peace flow over you in a supernatural way.
Feel His strength flow through you as He walks right beside you each day.
Let His joy fill your heart today.
Feel His unconditional love.
Feel His forgiveness for any guilt that is weighing heavy on your shoulders.
Feel His peace flow over you in a supernatural way.
Feel His strength flow through you as He walks right beside you each day.
Let His joy fill your heart today.
Don’t DO anything. Just feel the pleasure He has as He looks at you. He sees himself in you. We are all created in His image, yet each one of us reflects different aspects of Him – making us all uniquely His.
I am important to God. He has made me special.
You are very important to Him. He has made you special.
And He is pleased.
Thank you, Abba Father.
4832 Pondering -
Do you know that you are important to God?
How can we best fight off the Devil, our own doubt and the world, telling us otherwise?
How can you help someone else see that they are important to God! (hint - point to Jesus)
I am important to God. He has made me special.
You are very important to Him. He has made you special.
And He is pleased.
Thank you, Abba Father.
4832 Pondering -
Do you know that you are important to God?
How can we best fight off the Devil, our own doubt and the world, telling us otherwise?
How can you help someone else see that they are important to God! (hint - point to Jesus)
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