What habits do you perform daily? What results do you see immediately? Over a lifetime?
My dad would share daily wisdom with us in the moment. One of his pieces of wisdom was, “if you watch the pennies, the dollars will take care of themselves.” I remember rolling my eyes and scoffing especially as an adolescent. Of course, it is true and a great habit of “saving for a rainy day!” Daily habits like putting pennies in a jar build over time into savings. Daily habits do not necessarily produce immediate results; in fact, we are not guaranteed positive results at all. By faith we walk a journey, knowing that God is by our side, and His promises are new every morning! By faith we know that the promise of “sufficient grace” goes with us that day! By faith we know that as we reach out to share God’s love, peace, joy and eternal blessing with others…there is more than enough for all, and it is forever! This life will have troubles, but our focus is not on this life and what it offers. Our focus remains on the promise of eternity!
My dad would share daily wisdom with us in the moment. One of his pieces of wisdom was, “if you watch the pennies, the dollars will take care of themselves.” I remember rolling my eyes and scoffing especially as an adolescent. Of course, it is true and a great habit of “saving for a rainy day!” Daily habits like putting pennies in a jar build over time into savings. Daily habits do not necessarily produce immediate results; in fact, we are not guaranteed positive results at all. By faith we walk a journey, knowing that God is by our side, and His promises are new every morning! By faith we know that the promise of “sufficient grace” goes with us that day! By faith we know that as we reach out to share God’s love, peace, joy and eternal blessing with others…there is more than enough for all, and it is forever! This life will have troubles, but our focus is not on this life and what it offers. Our focus remains on the promise of eternity!

Today, I decided to convert my “penny” jar into a blessing jar. I challenged myself to think about one blessing from today. In each area of life (work, family, neighborhood, community, state, nation, world) to think of a blessing from that day, write it down and place it in the blessing jar. In this, God has continued to show me that His mercy, grace, forgiveness and eternal blessing are so much more than the trials of this day. It is in counting the blessing and being grateful for all that He has given that there is more to give away.
Prayer: Lord help me to be more grateful for all that you have given. Help me to see first the gift of eternal life. Help me to count the blessings first of grace, mercy, and forgiveness and, most of all, to daily count Jesus as the greatest gift and blessing of all!
4832 Ponder:
With whom can you share grace, mercy, forgiveness this day--knowing that you have been given more than enough?
Prayer: Lord help me to be more grateful for all that you have given. Help me to see first the gift of eternal life. Help me to count the blessings first of grace, mercy, and forgiveness and, most of all, to daily count Jesus as the greatest gift and blessing of all!
4832 Ponder:
With whom can you share grace, mercy, forgiveness this day--knowing that you have been given more than enough?
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