Belonging when you don't feel like you belong ...
Remember the days on the play ground, where games where being played and teams had to be picked. It would usually start something like this. Two team "captains" would start to pick their players from a line of available classmates. It would go back and forth. I, for one, could see how it worked. The most talented, well-known classmates would be picked first, then it would go to the best liked from there. Then eventually, it would come down to selecting the remaining few.
I know where I was in the progression and came to be fine with it. How about you? As you look back on this time of life, it either brings good or bad memories, but we can all probably agree - the playground was a much simpler time in life ... or was it?
I know where I was in the progression and came to be fine with it. How about you? As you look back on this time of life, it either brings good or bad memories, but we can all probably agree - the playground was a much simpler time in life ... or was it?

Hebrews 12:1-3 - Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
Finding a place in community is hard work. There are all sorts of levels, positions, views, feelings, baggage and much, much more to deal with. But we were created by God to be in relationship with Him and each other. I t was never said that it would be easy. In fact, things got messed up quickly from what was designed in the beginning. It was so messed up that the only way to start to fix it was for God to send His Son Jesus to make it right again.
That is exactly what Jesus did for you and me. He made it right and made a place for you. He didn't start by picking teams, He did it once and for all. His promise is He is coming back again to take us to be with Him. John 14:3.
A movie, "The Greatest Showman," came out a while back and just recently became available to view on a streaming service. The movie reminds us, that no matter our position, look, talent, burden, hindrance, society level ... there is a place for us to be part of the community. The show is just a visual example, but what Jesus did for you is permanent. You are His, you belong, you are washed cleaned and renamed in the name of Jesus! (If you have questions about this, let us know by emailing us.)
That is exactly what Jesus did for you and me. He made it right and made a place for you. He didn't start by picking teams, He did it once and for all. His promise is He is coming back again to take us to be with Him. John 14:3.
A movie, "The Greatest Showman," came out a while back and just recently became available to view on a streaming service. The movie reminds us, that no matter our position, look, talent, burden, hindrance, society level ... there is a place for us to be part of the community. The show is just a visual example, but what Jesus did for you is permanent. You are His, you belong, you are washed cleaned and renamed in the name of Jesus! (If you have questions about this, let us know by emailing us.)
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1 Comment
Reassuring. I was always the last picked.