What Do You See?
Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy. - I Peter 1:8

There is a wildlife refuge close to our home that we enjoy walking in. There are many times that all we see is green prairie grass, trees towering above, and a few wildflowers. The pond has begun to have its summer scent of deteriorating plants with greening cattails. Yet the natural beauty of open-space, bunnies along the trail, a few ducks, and multiple magpies brings a calming joy to life each evening. We do not tire of looking west and seeing the backdrop of the mountains across the meadow, watching the prairie grass moving in the breeze. Our hearts are filled with God’s majesty as we take one last look at the mountains and then walk home.
We see beauty in the simplicity of this natural setting. The grass, trees and flowers are not manicured. This small area provides respite from life, the quiet solitude of nature and an opportunity to see God’s gift of nature. The park is a reminder of the beauty of simplicity. We choose to see beauty in the mundane, in the less than perfect landscape and feel the joy of His peace as we walk the trails. We return to life renewed and refreshed. In this simplicity we are reminded to continually look for and choose to see God at work. God renews us through this brief respite and encourages us to keep serving Him.
4832 Ponderings...
What possibility do you see today?
Whom or what is in front of you?
Are you seeing obstacle or opportunity?
We see beauty in the simplicity of this natural setting. The grass, trees and flowers are not manicured. This small area provides respite from life, the quiet solitude of nature and an opportunity to see God’s gift of nature. The park is a reminder of the beauty of simplicity. We choose to see beauty in the mundane, in the less than perfect landscape and feel the joy of His peace as we walk the trails. We return to life renewed and refreshed. In this simplicity we are reminded to continually look for and choose to see God at work. God renews us through this brief respite and encourages us to keep serving Him.
4832 Ponderings...
What possibility do you see today?
Whom or what is in front of you?
Are you seeing obstacle or opportunity?
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