Core Strength
What in your mind, heart or gut defines you and keeps you going? For some, it might be an intriguing job that you look forward to embracing each morning. For some it may be a hobby that brings interest and joy. Or it may be a goal you’ve set in life and pursue with vigor. For others it might be that wonderful feeling of parenthood and the desire to see children grow, mature and launch in self-sustaining and meaningful ways.
For people of faith, it may be their faith. That’s not a given however and it’s not automatic. For some, faith may be an accessory: I am an adult, a sports fan, a movie buff and, as needed, spiritual.
For people of faith, it may be their faith. That’s not a given however and it’s not automatic. For some, faith may be an accessory: I am an adult, a sports fan, a movie buff and, as needed, spiritual.

We have an account in the Bible where Paul was addressing people who were very spiritual but they weren’t necessarily discerning. They were open to the next version or update of spirituality.
Paul was hoping to introduce them to the true God that he knew. He described him as the God who made the world and everything in it. The Lord of heaven and earth who does not live in temples built by human hands. He is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything (Acts 17:24-25).
Paul’s attentive audience was trying to find God, spirituality or the meaning of life in a variety of forms created by people. But Paul tells them they have it backward. We do not create God or meaning, rather it is God who gives us our life and breath and everything else. It is in “Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:25, 28)."
We can use the gifts and interests God gives us to be an artist, student, businessperson, butcher, baker, programmer, sports fan, jogger and/or gamer. God loves variety. But when we understand the opportunity God presents to us to be in relationship with Him, we can embrace our faith with the core of our being and ask “How does the rest of my life revolve around this most important relationship with God?”
4832 Ponderings…
What are the things in your life that revolve around your core? What is the core of your very being?
Paul was hoping to introduce them to the true God that he knew. He described him as the God who made the world and everything in it. The Lord of heaven and earth who does not live in temples built by human hands. He is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything (Acts 17:24-25).
Paul’s attentive audience was trying to find God, spirituality or the meaning of life in a variety of forms created by people. But Paul tells them they have it backward. We do not create God or meaning, rather it is God who gives us our life and breath and everything else. It is in “Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:25, 28)."
We can use the gifts and interests God gives us to be an artist, student, businessperson, butcher, baker, programmer, sports fan, jogger and/or gamer. God loves variety. But when we understand the opportunity God presents to us to be in relationship with Him, we can embrace our faith with the core of our being and ask “How does the rest of my life revolve around this most important relationship with God?”
4832 Ponderings…
What are the things in your life that revolve around your core? What is the core of your very being?
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I was in a group gathering once & we were doing one of those pies where divide up where you spent your time, kind of like you are saying. Then at the end they said something like "if you are a follower of Christ He is in you & you are in Him". Then they said if that is true "How is it you want to be seen in Christ today?" Their point was Christ is not just a part of your pie you just drew, all your is should be inside of His Being. So then they asked again - How is it you want to be seen in Christ today?