There have been many surprises over the past several weeks. Snow fell just a week ago. It was cold and blustery and did not feel like April. There have been neighbors that wave and smile each morning now and say, “We are good, and you?” This new normal is here to stay for awhile and it is difficult to thank God for the changes in our world. The numbers of unemployment are up, the death toll is rising. And we are uncertain when life will return to a “previous normal” if ever. Yet in all of these surprises, God is faithful and promises that He is not surprised nor unprepared for any of this. Psalm 90:1 tells us: "Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations!"
Dwelling place or a place of refuge from the storms of disease, economic downturns, natural disasters. God is our dwelling place. He is our place of mental, emotional, and spiritual refuge. Each morning with the sunrise there is hope in this fact: “We dwell in the shelter of the almighty God.” Each day we can know that He is with us during the storms!
Dwelling place or a place of refuge from the storms of disease, economic downturns, natural disasters. God is our dwelling place. He is our place of mental, emotional, and spiritual refuge. Each morning with the sunrise there is hope in this fact: “We dwell in the shelter of the almighty God.” Each day we can know that He is with us during the storms!

My mind often wants to run ahead to “what if’s?” and “fears of” for the day, week and months to come. My spirit asks me to pause, breathe deeply and remind myself to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. This calming activity helps me to re-focus and fix my eyes on Jesus! As I bow before God in humble adoration, the fear is released much like air from a balloon. The fear and angst gone, my prayers are focused from me to thee.
“Father…show me your truths, and help me to see you in every situation this day!”
The troubles do not go away, instead there is renewed energy and focus on Jesus power to push through, to lean in, to seize the moment and make it count for a higher good. There is opportunity amid the trials. God has promised to be faithful to all generations…and He has been, and He is.
Thought to ponder
What surprises in life today is God using as an opportunity for growth in your life? What are you grateful for today? How will this encourage you to reach out to neighbors, your community, your world?
“Father…show me your truths, and help me to see you in every situation this day!”
The troubles do not go away, instead there is renewed energy and focus on Jesus power to push through, to lean in, to seize the moment and make it count for a higher good. There is opportunity amid the trials. God has promised to be faithful to all generations…and He has been, and He is.
Thought to ponder
What surprises in life today is God using as an opportunity for growth in your life? What are you grateful for today? How will this encourage you to reach out to neighbors, your community, your world?
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What surprises me now in life is how I look at the "organized" church. It used to be what I looked for when looking for consistency. I am not that naive any longer and I consider that a blessing from God. The teachings I talk about now are deeper, personal teachings that Jesus proclaimed. My confidence is not in gatherings of organizations
I appreciate your thoughts on this. Do you see this as a broader trend with others? Also do you think our current online church is impacting us as organizations?