Words of My Mouth
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14
Psalm 19:14
4832 Pondering:
Words of my Mouth & Meditations of my Heart ..... ever heard the adage "don't speak before you think" .... I have and there are many times I should have followed that advice. I often pray at the beginning of each day or when I see a member of the family leave for the activities of their day "Lord Bless the workings of my/their hands and the words of my/their mouth to Your Glorification today" .... I wish I could give witness that I also carried out that prayer in my actions, words and thoughts each day but I have not.
The Truth is though that I do desire to Praise God in all I say and do because of ALL HE HAS GIVEN ME THROUGH JESUS CHRIST .... I can honestly say God is My Strength and My Redeemer!!
4832 Question:
How do you start each day?
What are your Heart Meditations?
What would you do, say or think differently if you could see God looking at you?
We who Believe in Christ are seen through Christ, how does that make you feel?
Words of my Mouth & Meditations of my Heart ..... ever heard the adage "don't speak before you think" .... I have and there are many times I should have followed that advice. I often pray at the beginning of each day or when I see a member of the family leave for the activities of their day "Lord Bless the workings of my/their hands and the words of my/their mouth to Your Glorification today" .... I wish I could give witness that I also carried out that prayer in my actions, words and thoughts each day but I have not.
The Truth is though that I do desire to Praise God in all I say and do because of ALL HE HAS GIVEN ME THROUGH JESUS CHRIST .... I can honestly say God is My Strength and My Redeemer!!
4832 Question:
How do you start each day?
What are your Heart Meditations?
What would you do, say or think differently if you could see God looking at you?
We who Believe in Christ are seen through Christ, how does that make you feel?
no categories
As I enter my places of work, I try to remember to pray, "God, help me be the person and witness you want me to be today." That tends to orient me with a focus on God's mission instead of my own.
Great thoughts. Praying usually starts the day. Sometimes difficult to focus.